Analog Sky

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06.12.23 Moon Tracks

Moon opens on Moon-day, June 12th in the sign of Aries. Late in the day, she finds herself in the third decan of Aries, winding down in her waning crescent phase. A balsamic moon, a darkening light, highlighting the third decan’s ruler, Lord of Completion. Balsamic Moon’s speak to a shutting down, a quieting, a falling away. This isn’t always easy to do when the Moon is in fiery Aries, an initiating and energetic space. Yet this is where she floats. On Mar’s day, June 13th, the Moon in Mar’s temple of Aries, will have one last hard aspect to Pluto in Capricorn (also a place where Mars has dignity) at 29 degrees. This very last hard aspect severs all the Moon has endured leading up to this moment. It is an aspect that makes us turn inward and release any final deeper emotions that allow us to regenerate in time for the next lunar cycle, an exciting, social and frenetic Gemini new Moon.

Luna’s best attempt to recover and recharge in the temple of Taurus that she enters on Tuesday may be a challenge. Taurus has its own vortex of swirling growth and hunger, with the planets Jupiter and Uranus present, and in company of the ravenous North Node. The Moon will join both the North Node and Jupiter at 6 degrees on the 14th.  Cravings may creep in and insatiable hunger, literally and metaphorically may present themselves today. Jupiter, especially paired with the North node can stimulate desire, and in earthy Taurus, this may manifest as increased appetite, and not just for any kind of food, but real nutrient-dense, soul nourishing fare. The Moon does carry power here in Taurus, but it will take real determination to stave off over-consumption.

On the 14th, the Moon begins to form aspects to both Saturn at 7 degrees, and a square to Venus at 8 degrees. This speaks to the Moon possibly having her own dark shadow, having to tease out the tension and pull back on the ego. 

June 15th is a mercurial day in nature. On this day, two important transits take place. First, the Moon enters the sign of Gemini, where it will eventually meet the Sun at 26 degrees to form a New Moon. Second, Mercury, ruler of Gemini, squares off with Saturn at 7 degrees. The Moon will follow suit squaring Saturn.

This week, Saturn is in the superior position to both Mercury and the Moon, which can portend a slowing of the mind, of communication, information just not getting through. This may be a day where the heart overrules the mind, and it is hard to see past an emotional wall with rationality or good sense. 

This may be a good day for organization, writing out tasks and effectively hitting them, Mercury after all is in its home sign, but will also require patience and a stick-to-itiveness. Mercury likes to move quickly, especially in airy Gemini, Saturn’s stationing aspect to Hermes may feel like his wings are covered in oil and lift is nearly impossible. This will be a fast moving transit as Mercury clears Saturn by the 17th and makes an easy, harmonious aspect to Venus in Leo. This is a lovely, creative aspect that lends an easiness to the day. Mind and heart feel open and airy. We may feel light and sociable. It is a great day for a last minute meet up with a friend, or taking in a concert.

Saturn in Pisces is stationing, which means it is slowing down in speed (as if it can get any slower) and will turn in retrograde on the June 17th. This stationing is seen as a period where the planet that is slowing is not effective or with resources. Saturn will be retrograde until November 4th, 2023. During this time, we may revisit previous emotional and personal boundaries we set, or we will learn to set them during this period. This may be a time where we will be asked to have greater self-discpline and discernment, especially with information and people we are letting in. Saturn in Pisces in general is seeking to filter out fact from fiction, healthy from toxic, and spirit versus material. During this retrograde period all of this may be on the table. If we are seeking to level up in terms of our spiritual notions, crossroads and quests may rise up to meet you.

On a personal level, Saturn is in my 7th house of Pisces and as he stations he directly opposes my natal Mars in the 1st house of self, identity, vitality and mind. What has been playing out for me in the last couple week’s is the lesson of mindfulness in reaction. Mars in the first can be very reactive, and this at times is my first action. I have been consciously slowing my reaction time down and being mindful of first reactions. From there, I have a better chance of choosing a more mindful response to what may be bothering me, inciting me, or stirring deeper emotions that can create a whole life of their own. I think Saturn is attempting to teach me a more mature response to life’s frustrations, that can come by many faces, and this is giving me a better opportunity to change my own personal reality.

On this same day we have a lovely innovative, curious and communicative New Moon forming in Gemini, this paired with the lunation’s ruler Mercury aspecting Venus in a pleasant formation, this is a great new period for personal growth, improving or starting a business, or heading up a new social club. Gemini New Moon, accompanied with a strong Mercury, screams new ideas, new friends, new adventures. You will find this a great period to communicate and initiate new goals and visions and really start directing them towards a sustained reality. Venus’ direct presence with Mercury also encourages a more creative and cohesive vibe to the day. This may be a high energy day, buzzing around like a bumblebee pollinating flower to flower, group to group, an intoxication of the Moon’s sweet nectar.

The week closes out on the Sun’s day, Sunday the 18th with two squares to Neptune. One by the Moon and next by the Sun. These squares speak to whatever it is we are trying to envision or attempting to manifest, especially after this New Moon lunation, may be thwarted by rational objection. This may feel like a hangover to yesterday’s heightened motivation, like a balloon popping, we wake up feeling possibly deflated. We may feel weakened overall in vitality or motivation, this can also show up in overall confusion or delusion. This is a good day to really reflect on what it is we want to manifest and put out there, and meditate on a bridge between reality and boundless dreams. The square aspect to the Sun and Moon may feel like a wall, but sometimes it is what we need to step back and readdress the path we are headed on. The square may provide structure to the dreamy ether you are turning in. Rest easy, as the Moon returns home to Cancer on Sunday, and direct your own soul to retreat in a well-needed slumber.