Analog Sky

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1.02.23 Moon Tracks

An exalted Moon in Taurus is an encouraging start to 2023.  Venus, the domicile ruler of Taurus plays a healthy game of chase with her co-companion, the Moon. Our night queen seeks to aspect Aphrodite through the fortunate aspect of a trine, just missing her as Venus moves out of Capricorn and into Saturn’s more yang temple of Aquarius. Venus is feeling playful. The Moon catches up to her that evening as she also changes signs, and moves into Gemini. This game of hide and seek commences with the Moon’s host, Mercury, aspecting Neptune. The air is filled with play and imagination, ushering creative thought patterns.

The Moon and Venus continue to travel the same roads in the coming days, both aspecting the greater benefic Jupiter, each through Venusian sight. Jupiter is blessing them both on their travels, encouraging their path forward. For the Moon, this is beneficial as she makes contact with Mars who has slowed down to finally station in forward motion. Mars is greasing his wheels, preparing for his final tear through Gemini and the Moon doesn’t need to make waves, just reminds us to reflect on what grounds has Mars been treading. 

How has Mars slowed us down in the areas of our own chart? 

It is important to know which house these longer planetary transits occupy, if uncertain there are many great online resources that can assist with calculating your own chart. Also, you can certainly direct message me, I would be happy to generate your chart for you. Knowing your chart and your rising sign truly makes interpreting astrological transits so much richer.

The Moon slips silently past any drama in Gemini and on the 6th she enters her own, nurturing and cozy temple of Cancer. It is here where she also finds her brightest illumination, with the Full Moon perfecting that evening. This peak period for her is one of great nourishment and safety, and this may be exactly what you seek around this period. Quiet time at home after the hustle and bustle of holiday plans. Perhaps this is a perfect time to take down the tree and tinsel, and sweep the floors and dust the cobwebs of 2022 up and out. Retreat, refresh and recharge.

Where does the Full Moon in Cancer fall in your chart?

This is an area that will be amplified with greater insight, certainly for those with personal planets in any of the cardinal signs. There may be deeper emotional themes tied to this insight with connections to your past, nostalgic roads you have traveled may reappear with richer connections to your present. With Mercury opposite the Moon, there may be an interplay between your emotions and your thoughts, pay attention to what is coming up at this point. Perhaps a need to seek greater comfort around personal fears by becoming more in tune with the emotions connected to them.

The very next day, Mercury who is again retrograde, moves into the heart of the Sun. This cazimi moment, is a bright eureka moment of something that may have slipped your mind, a found solution to a practical problem, a reversal to a declaration you may have made. It is an important period for Mercury, half way through his retrograde, and moving back into morning star position. Mercury is changing his mind and has the full support of Uranus that may just be encouraging it. This supportive aspect comes the very next day after the cazimi. Uranus helps break us out of old ways, including thought patterns.

If you are feeling stuck,in an old habit or pattern, now is the time where the stars support a change with the added benefit of a solution. I cannot think of a better week of supporting transits to usher in the new year. Actual implementation of goals, objectives are better suited for the end of the month once Mars and Mercury are moving forward again, but better insight and working out the details to future goals is ripe this week. Happy 2023.