Analog Sky

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11.21.22 Moon Tracks

The week opens with the Moon moving into her fall in Scorpio. The last time she visited Scorpio, there were many shadows to face and slay as eclipse season began. She returns now with more self-reflection and inner wisdom after the last wild eclipse ride. There may be opportunities to face the rising issues again, as the Moon repeats aspects to the nodes and to Saturn and Uranus. This time, I feel there is more self-control, perhaps a new zoomed out perspective that allows for a more grounded approach and maybe a solution. The frenetic energy last month has eased up, especially with Mars the ruler of Scorpio slowly separating from the square with Neptune. 

Though the room is still dark, there is an optimistic forecast on the horizon and the Moon begins to prep her entrance into Sagittarius. It won’t be long until she joins the Sun who just slipped into the fiery temple of Jupiter on the 22nd of November. 

This is the balsamic phase of the Moon, she is prepping for her new birth but she really needs to hold no malice, the scorpion pinchers need to release. The Moon will be challenged as she faces harder aspects to the two reality shakers, Uranus and Saturn. Are we settling into our new roles yet? Or are we still battling the greater inner forces that fear change? The change is coming, go willingly with adventurous confidence and do not be dragged with the fear biting at your heels.

On the 23rd, the Moon makes harmonious aspects to Neptune and Jupiter, this is a day to dream big and feel hopeful. She is pressing into the expansive territory of Sagittarius, and right as she enters the Queen and King reunite at the first degree. Jupiter stations right after the New Moon and is beginning to wrap up his own synodic cycle. This all signals a time of certain ideals realigning and new ones shifting into a more centered place in many of our lives. The New Moon in the temple of Jupiter, with Jupiter himself moving out of retrograde and in the final stretch to finish his own cycle, signals we can now move forward with our stronger ideals, new philosophy, self-care and self-love we have been striving so hard to let in. 

The Moon and the Sun are not alone in Jupiter’s home, Venus and Mercury are still tightly aspected and the Moon will greet each of them on the 24th. This is a period where we may be more personally focused on what we desire or need, to feel passionately alive. Tend to the burning flames that wish to rise and be expressed. 

This New Moon phase seeks new adventures backed by new ideals. Time is moving fast, minutes zipping by.

The tarot card that rules this first decan of Sagittarius is the 8 of Wands, and in the Rider Waite set, it depicts 8 wands zooming through the blue skies. They look like missiles with a directed purpose. Wands are representative of fiery, creative energy and the number eight aligns with inner-strength, success, and confidence. The decan is ruled not only by Jupiter, but Mercury as well. We can view these flying wands as divine messengers moving us closer to inner success. We must move quickly and try not to worry too much about the details, this period is one of faith and intuitive movement. Mercury is just in the grasping degrees of this decan, although in slight detriment in Sagittarius, it does rule decan I. I cannot help but see Mercury and Venus whispering cheers of confidence in the New Moon’s ear, “You got this, keep moving forward!!”

Riding the energy of the New Moon, she will aspect Saturn, and then Mars by opposition, already feeling a bit of self-doubt peeking in. This is normal when real change is in the alchemical process. The key is to keep stepping forward, and allowing the journey to be revealed and not hindered or deciphered.

When Luna hits Capricorn on the 25th, this is where the real work will begin. The Moon is not quite comfortable in this sign and this is where Mars is exalted. 

The stellium of planets in Sagittarius where this New Moon perfected are all moving into opposition with Mars in Gemini. Mars will begin cranking up the heat as Luna moves into her first quarter position. This is where we are forced once again to turn inwards and have the faith that Jupiter is readily supplying in his Piscean temple, that we can do big things. We can move our lives into alignment with our dreams, our passions, our callings. Do not be distracted by life’s mundane pressures of following script, this will distract and pull us off course. Move swift like the wands flying through the air, they know where they are going, a course is divinely set.