Analog Sky

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1.23.23 Moon Tracks

This week begins with the Moon joining the Venus*Saturn party that is just wrapping up from the weekend. Venus begins to prepare for her departure in Aquarius. Kissing both Saturn and Venus, the Moon leaves Aquarius herself with a better understanding of where she needs to go as she grows in light.

The New Moon can be a time of frenetic energy with little “feet on the ground” stabilization. As Luna enters Pisces, she swims in the mutable waters still daydreaming of her goals ahead. Her feet are still not touching ground. When she passes Neptune and exits into Aries, this is a greater time for initiating the beginning steps that solidify. This is also supported by Jupiter and the Sun in a pleasant aspect. Jupiter, the ruler of Pisces, but currently in Aries, is lending the heat and the expansion of big dreams and goals.

The Moon meets Jupiter quickly, bringing forth all of the planetary encounters she has gathered on her New Moon journey. The light begins to accumulate and shine brighter.  On the 26th, Venus enters stage left into Pisces, and Jupiter again gets a supportive boost. The two benefics begin to feed one another in a nourishing manner. Creative boosts and encouragement are at hand.

The Moon finds even greater nourishment as she moves into her exaltation, Taurus. Venus rules Taurus, this is her home temple, and the Moon is her girl in this house. The Moon makes a beautiful sextile to Venus right as she enters her temple. This happens at the very first degree, an auspicious sign of these two granting lovely wishes of magical nature. The First Quarter perfects in this very Venusian house and is the point where the Moon not only sets direction but takes very real action.

Whatever you set out on at the New Moon, I would even suggest at the new year, this First Quarter lunar phase presents steady ground to support you. Taurus is a fixed earth sign, and asks that whatever you are implementing, proceed with patience, nourish those initial seeds, and show up every day doing the work. Magic works when mindset follows, mindset starts with this very moment and each moment after with true and focused intention.