Analog Sky

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1.30.23 Moon Tracks

This week we meet the opposition of a Leo Moon to the Aquarius Sun. Let us remember how the journey began, three weeks ago. The New Moon in Aquarius, in a sense, really ushered the new year in. Luna moved directly into Aquarius at the same moment the Sun did. There we started to see all retrograde planets beginning to station and gain momentum. The planets all moving forward, gave us a greater ability to move our own plans and lives forward. Venus and Saturn immediately conjoined in Aquarius, toning the light in its growth. There was a focus on self, but a greater focus on the collective. It seems that this was a seeding point for planting hybrid seeds that helped encourage greater integration of self and other. 

The First Quarter Moon, in the earthy and nourishing fertile grounds of Taurus, started to test the connective tissues that bind us all together. Are we still tending to our gardens, and are we moving slow enough with enough intention to include or exclude what we would like to see flourish. Tissue that isn’t nourished will go necrotic, it lacks any blood flow. Where can we use more circulation of life force!

The waxing light of the First Quarter this week will move us into fuller illumination, and she receives great assistance from Mars. The planet of action, is now clicking along after his retrograde and provides assists in our plans. The week is heavily dominated by both of our luminaries, the Sun and Moon. Mars and Uranus also assume lead roles.

The Sun and Mars open the week with a separating trine aspect, this happens in the air signs of Aquarius and Gemini respectively, igniting our mental processes in a constructive manner. This trine, the nature of Jupiter’s good fortune, is seeking to build a bridge between our goals and our doubts. This is reinforced by the Moon and Mars meeting in the house of Gemini on the 30th. The Moon and Sun are both translating the action of Mars, and this is a mostly positive and encouraging sign for real action and movement. Strategy appears where once roadblocks stood or just inaction. The week begins with motivated action and decisiveness.

This is further amplified on the 31st, when the Moon and Sun also meet in a trine. Are you listening? The answers are being illuminated by our luminaries. The Sun instructs, the Moon follows. 

Off she goes into her temple, Cancer, on February 1st. The Moon cannot feel all but nourished as she enters her home temple. She is growing so full of activity, speed, and fulfillment. Watch how fast you are moving, and what you are allowing to transpire. Mid-week momentum may get you, it is easy for the Moon to get to inflated on her own moon-juice.

The Sun, Moon and Uranus will square off right before the Full Moon in Leo. The Sun, the ruler of this lunar phase, and the Moon herself, essentially both receive a challenge from Uranus. Sudden changes are at hand, and flexibility may be needed. The fast path may need application of brakes and perhaps a sharp right turn. Can we quickly implement an amendment without scrapping the whole thing? If there is impediment, can we re-route the blood flow?

The week closes out with a Full Moon in Leo on the Sunday. The Moon is now in the temple of the Sun, but sitting in opposition. Sitting in opposition to what we began in the New Moon phase. In my view, this New Moon marked the actual beginning of the year ahead, our goals, our wishes, our visions. Is the full light of illumination in Leo granting us a bold nod of approval to keep moving forward, or does the Uranus presence make us think twice? Have we been too grandiose with our visions, or not bold enough? Does the Leo Full Moon highlight where maybe we haven’t included enough of the collective, and we are beginning to isolate ourselves from others. Is the tissue decaying?

The next aspect to follow the Full Moon is the the opposition to Saturn. Oppositions are the nature of Saturn, and this will bring a pivotal point of real tension to many of our lives. We will look at this aspect in greater depth next week. Just have a back-up plan, be ready for the unexpected, and overall remember others and what they need as well. The relationships we feed are just as important as the goals we set, remember both and how it all is really connected.