Analog Sky

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2.13.23 Moon Tracks

A closing Last Quarter Scorpio Moon opens this week. The Moon darkens as she dives in waters that she absorbs more as a toxin than an antidote. She is dying, and so are the intentions that we set at the outset of the New Moon. Death is only transformation. My father always said, “Nothing dies, it is all energy. Energy just takes another shape, it gets recycled.” I like to believe he is now transformed into a dragonfly, fluttering freely in the ether.

Luna hits encouraging trines to Venus and Neptune, but she is in the waters of Scorpio where she is in her fall. This to me, may just be setting a lovers trap, one right in time for Cupid’s arrow. Valentine’s Day we really start to feel the conjunction of Venus and Neptune in the mutable waters of Pisces. Venus, the lover, dives right in. Joining Neptune, who has no boundaries and welcomes Aphrodite with open arms, no questions asked. 

Aphrodite swimming in the spiritual waters of Neptune, a warm bath of devotion, ecstasy, mystical passion. The archetype of the two together can also capture us in nebulous deception, illusionary trysts, or just impart overwhelming sensuality where possibly absent. 

This transit also can encourage mystical dreams. Last night, as these planets close in on my natal Moon which is conjunct transiting Neptune, I dreamt of spiritual women. They were composed of what seemed to be ethereal sand blending into one another as they huddled together, reassuring me they have always been near by watching and guiding me on this journey. I woke in a state of elevated bliss.

Light and shadows, all of this can exist under a Venus*Neptune transit, but overall this a romantically fueled transit that possesses the ability for tantric out of the body encounters.

Rational reasoning quickly checks the Moon when she moves into the sign of Capricorn at the  stroke of midnight on the 16th. A place where she isn’t exactly comfortable, but she will answer to Saturn and be on her best behavior now. This is reinforced when the Sun and Saturn meet by conjunction in Aquarius on the 16th. Saturn returning to the Sun represents the rebirth of a new Saturn, which is fitting since he is at the final degrees of Aquarius and his final reign of over five years in Saturn-ruled signs. A new Saturn may be just what a lot of us need right now. This dying Saturn can represent the wrapping up of hard work, especially in the house of Aquarius in your chart.

A Sun*Saturn combination brings a container to all of this free love, and quickly reminds the mundane world to speak up. Eventually we must return. Discipline, boundaries, and perhaps some learned wisdom sets in. Let the new Saturn speak, and please listen.

Just like that, Luna turns into an obedient goddess as she hits a square to the judge and jury, Jupiter. All in line, Jupiter has the mic. First a sextile to Mercury, then the Moon herself enters Aquarius on Feb 18, joins Mercury and then reinforces the sextile aspect with Jupiter. Judgement is given in hugs and reassuring words are spoken. Any misgivings, misunderstadings are forgiven in this period. This whole week has the potential to meet another in the middle, turn the wheel and gain fresh perspective.

The Sun enters Pisces, the temple of Jupiter on the 18th at the exact moment Moon and Mercury meet at 10 degrees of Aquarius. This seems important. Something is being communicated to Luna, perhaps what is in store for the future of humanity. Pisces season asks us to remember the other, remember the light and the dark, and connect to both places in your heart. Forgiveness, compassion, and service to others may call to you at this time. 

The Sun prepares for her own meeting with the Moon on the 20th, when the two great luminaries come together in a New Moon aspect. Until then, the Sun awaits Luna’s arrival, it is soon. 

Luna has a final meeting with Saturn while he occupies Aquarius. This is it! Saturn will soon ingress into the sign of Pisces, where he will live for the next two plus years. The Moon and Saturn will not meet again in the sign of Aquarius until 2050! The Moon’s final parting words to Saturn speaks to a landscape shifting, a more ethereal, boundless terrain. One where dreams swim and the beginning and endings are harder to define. Fact or fiction, lines are blurred. We are reminded that we will need to be well-armed with an evaluating eye, but also with a sympathetic heart. Like the two tails of the fish, one eye on discernment and one eye on compassion, this is the key to Saturn in Pisces. 

 The Moon splashes into Piscean waters just before midnight on the 19th. Preparing to begin another cycle. The Moon and the Sun begin to discuss the entrance of Saturn soon into this sign. Are you ready?