Analog Sky

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2.27.23 Moon Tracks

The First Quarter Moon in Gemini on the 27th, is a greater call for action. With Mars still in the sign of Gemini, this call may be more adamant and demanding. This phase alerts us that we can proceed further, generate motion to ideas, establish a root system to the seed planted. 

The cycle began in Pisces under the New Moon, and it was then that Venus moved off to live with the higher benefic, Jupiter. Together they have been residing in the house of Aries, all while the Moon gathers light. At this same time, the ruler of this current lunar cycle is Mercury and Mercury has been the social investigator and connector. Attempting to build and connect, a bridge between all worlds, his role remains the same. 

This First Quarter Moon continues to feed the storyline of threading the seams of society. As Mercury hits the final, critical anaretic degree in Aquarius at 29 degrees on March 2nd, he meets by conjunction, Saturn. This is an extremely important discussion between these two, both are about to enter Pisces, where the New Moon was initiated.

Reminder, Saturn has been in Aquarius for two and half years, this movement into Pisces is monumental in terms of shifting the collective and individual energy. I will continue to reflect on this, but I want to point out that March is a big collective shift, we have Saturn and Pluto both changing signs. Pluto has been in Capricorn since 2008, and will move into Aquarius in March. Any planet at the final degrees is wrapping up their business and preparing to plow new fields.

Leading up to March 2, communication in your own world may feel challenged, prohibited, or perhaps you feel you aren’t getting the full story. Other ways this transit may show up depending on your chart, there may be a quickening to your own philosophy, maybe a new perspective is given that allows you to see variable sides of one story. A leveling up of personal wisdom.

March 2nd is a big day in the heavens.  Mercury and Saturn meet, they both carry their concern for the collective to the final degree of Aquarius together, and will both plunge into the more spirited and divinely connected waters of the fish. This is where the medicine lives. The medicine that humanity needs to be microdosed with, for too much at once, and one can fully loose oneself in the boundless waters of the other. No, small doses will need to be administered and Mercury and Saturn will both see to it that its measured and contained. 

It makes me think of how we use technology or begin to depend on it too heavily. Perhaps this is highlighting the AI rivalry currently at hand. A race for more intelligent and overpowering AI, without heeding caution to how this can tip the scales of humanity, and ultimately superscede the safety and privacy of individuals. Balancing the powers of AI, with the individual’s autonomy and safety in mind will be an ongoing development as Saturn moves through Pisces and Pluto in Aquarius. 

Another way I have been feeling this, is my intake of world events. It is no judgement, but merely fact, the collective world is ill. You can read many headlines, and the evidence is there. I wouldn’t even claim its sensationlism at this point. Yet too much, and one’s heart can spiral in despair. The intake of news, social media, external voices must be mediated and dosed properly, paired with a stronger spiritual foundation. The medicine.

Venus and Jupiter are also consorting that same day by conjunction in Aries, one house away from Pisces. The Moon sees them both by an inferior trine once she’s in Leo, and growing in light, sealing the two benefics with an encouraging path forward. Action may be passionate, driven and creative. 

Venus in Aries, joined by Jupiter, expands one almost to zealot position. Be careful with coming off to strong, but harness the passion, make a second edit, and release the revised edition. 

In your life, reflect on where has the medicine be needed. We have been considering the areas starving for nutrients for some time now, and what places have been oversaturated. Now is the point in the lunar cycle to administer the medicine that can best serve you and assist in establishing a richer root system. Venus and Jupiter wish to help and arrive with great excitement, but it will be up to you to see this through. Small, micro-doses daily will do the trick. Reach out to a loved one, a small sacrifice in your day that serves another’s self-interest, an act of kindness for a stranger or a neighbor, picking up trash in a random neighborhood. Movement that connects you to others, and in turn connects you to your higher self.

This is a very low dosage of spiritual love, in consistent fashion, it builds and accumulates and spreads. If you go over the required amount, Saturn will put you in check on the 7th. Start slow, show up daily, and look around at your neighbors. This is a call to stand outside of yourself, and in turn to feed your inner community.