Analog Sky

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6.26.23 Moon Tracks

This week begins with a dynamic bang supported by a First Quarter Moon in Libra on Monday, June 26th. The week closes out on a much more insightful and softer note.

Monday, June 26th, Mars in Leo and Uranus in Taurus meet one another in an inferior square aspect, which by nature is tonally martial. The meeting of this fiery warrior and electric innovator can deliver to the collective and the personal themes of unfettered courage, over the top risk taking, quick to anger notions, and innovative breakthroughs. This transit has been building all weekend and will remain in the ether until next Sunday as it separates from the 21 degrees. If you have any planets near 21 degrees in the fixed signs of Leo, Taurus, Scorpio or Aquarius, this transit may be louder in your personal realm.

The thing about a Uranus*Mars transit is it is unpredicatble, and yet I sit here attempting to predict. This combination of these two is one of unexpected detonations, like a car being t-boned. One moment you are cruising down a sunny country road, and the next moment a speeding car blows a stop sign right into the side of your vehicle. I want to predict, after all this is a signature coloring my Solar Return. This next year, I will have this planetary signature appearing in my life, and part of me is frightened and part of me is intensely curious.

Mars has the real potential to unleash hot, inciting action, inflammation, anger and potential violence. Yet it also has the power to encourage risk tasking (for better or worse), digging deeper into wells of courage, and initiating new projects, especially ones that help encourage innovation. 

Uranus’s co-presence in this transit is what brings probable instability, sudden eruptions, shaking foundations, changing courses. Uranus is a planet known for unique dynamism, innovation, electric and inventive. Uranus also likes to shake the trees and watch the apples fall. Uranus encourages new dynamics, out of the box thinking. Like a bolt of lighting, you don’t know when and where it is casting its rays.

The two planets are each co-present with the benefics, Jupiter and Venus. Mars and Venus are closely aspected in Leo, and Jupiter is sharing the same temple with Uranus in Taurus. Having both planets of better fortune present is encouraging and can lend helping hands if the tower falls. It is this specific transit that may bring tumultuous drama, but it is exactly this kind of transit that grinds out real solid change.  There are times in life that we need external friction to create internal lasting changes. With Venus and Jupiter present, there are blessings and wisdom present on the backside. This is welcomed!

Mercury also leaves his home sign of Gemini and enters Cancer’s waters, moving from analytical to emotional, observe your own emotions today. Mercury in Cancer amplifies the heart and favors intuition, unlike his probing and examining mind in Gemini. Mercury crossing into the crab’s watery temple tunes us into more personal, introspective spaces.

This is all happening under a Libra First Quarter Moon, a pivotal point from Gemini’s New Moon phase. Balance of mind and heart is being sought.

This seems like a day where our emotional side may be heightened and there is danger of feeling triggered. We may need to pace our actions, ambitions and emotions. Monday’s transits may make you feel overly ambitious and overly confident and it brings to mind the story of Icarus. Icarus, who was warned by his father, Daedlus. Daedlus, a great innovator (Uranus) fashioned wings for him and his son, Icarus, to escape the prison island King Minos exiled them too. The wings were made of wax and feathers. Icarus was given strict instructions to not fly to close to the Sun, for the wax will melt, and yet don’t fly too low near the ocean for they will get wet and one cannot get lift. Icarus forgetting his father’s wise instructions, flies higher and higher, nearing the Sun’s rays. His wings of wax melt from the heat of the rays and he plummets to the ocean and drowns.

Mars and Uranus may be teaching us to pay heed to what we are pursuing, warning us of not flying too high, humbling our ambition, humbling our hearts. Yet this transit also tempts us to move outside of our own comfort zone, do not drown in our own complacency. Can we find the thermal lifts in our life, push ourselves into new spaces for discovery and yet also remain grounded in our humility of our humanity?

Mercury’s movement into Cancer is exciting for the end of the week, certainly the planetary star of the show. Mercury on June 30th will aspect Saturn through a trine, knocking down emotional and mental walls. On July 1st, Mercury finds himself conjunct to the Sun, which is also known as a cazimi. The cazimi comes when a planet joins the Sun at an exact degree, and symbolically represents a real strengthening of the both planets. Mercury is filled with great solar potential and is illuminated. This illumination can show up as newly discovered knowledge, hidden information being revealed, new details that help assist long standing problems.

Mercury and the Sun both harmoniously aspect Jupiter on July 1st as well, further cushioning the day with pleasantries and wisdom. The Moon is in Sagittarius, Jupiter’s temple. I love the look of July 1st, there is illumination, unification, and wisdom assisting the day. I see this sequence of Mercury transits as major turning points for interpersonal relationships that may of been struggling up to this point. Communication can soften, new information and new perspectives emerge, walls fall and hearts open.

Have a safe and lovely week.