Analog Sky

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7.10.23 Moon Tracks

Does it feel like something is wrapping up, are conclusions surfacing? On the Moons day, July 10th a lot is happening at the final degrees of signs. The 29th degree is being activated along the Cancer/Capricorn axis, we have looked at this final degree in past muses. As a reminder, this is when a cycle either falls apart, concludes, and major shifts and transitions surface. Monday, July 10, we have two planets shifting signs, moving from that anaretic 29th degree. Mars leaves fiery Leo, and enters earthy Virgo. Here Mars will prepare himself for a tension war with Saturn, where the two will find themselves opposed. Maybe Saturn will apply just enough pressure to Mars to slow him down, make him really work through the details with pause and not haste. 

Mar’s in Virgo we can expect increased urges to work hard, and will have to be cautious for signs of overexertion especially mental exertion. Mars in Virgo is keen to approach systems, routines, game plans with a sharp eye and pull out the most effective an efficienct approach. When Mars opposes Saturn later on this month, we may be met with resistance in how fast or hard we are approaching matters. You can utilize this Martian energy for tackling projects, organizing matters and plainly getting shit done. Just be cautious of overdoing it, especially in matters of physical activity and overwork in general.

July 10th we also have Mercury entering Leo. Yet before Hermes can burst into the lions den he will oppose Pluto in Capricorn at the 29th degree. The Moon is also casting square aspects to both Pluto and Mercury in that anoretic degree. This really can create an environment of deep cathartic thoughts and emotions. Pay attention to what internally is bubbling up and how it is affecting you emotionally. Thoughts may seem sharp and even obsessive. This is also a day where communication may feel toxic and aggressive. Perhaps hold off on any hard conversations until tomorrow. Both the Moon and Mercury will be in better spaces. Mercury’s entrance into Leo, voice should rise up and want to be heard.

On the 11th, the Crescent Moon wanes deeply into her death phase. She is comfortable though slumbering down into her earthy exalted temple of Taurus, the land welcomes her passing and will hold her like a death doula, offering prayer and passage. The Balsamic Crone Moon aspects Jupiter, Pluto and Venus while in Taurus, highlighting the wisdom of the Triple Goddess, ushering us into the next cycle, maybe even presenting a cross-road. This is a quiet time, one that holds intimate magic. Quiet your thoughts and listen to what is coming through.

On the 14th, the Sun and Uranus have a happy meeting.One may feel charged with bright optimistic outlook and vitality. Surges of self expression and unusual creativity may surface. If we were to apply this transit to personal relationships, one may find creative ways to enrich malnourished connections.

The Moon will enter her home base in Cancer on the 15th. Here she will prepare herself for a new cycle, the New Moon next week. Until then rest easy in the quiet magic of the Dark Moon, integrate the Crone’s wisdom of death and rebirth and prepare to begin again.