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Aquarian Planetary Parade

The water-bearer’s vessel overflows with planetary pressure. Sun, Moon, and a multitude of planets are building and swirling in the sign of Aquarius, complemented by a New Moon on February 9th.

February 9th, 5:59 am, a New Moon begins in the sign of Aquarius at 20 degrees. Why is this lunation important? The sign of Aquarius is the breeding grounds for various first signs of life. This fixed air sign, one that is future-focused, expansive in perspective, holding a panoramic vision towards the collective and best practices for the culture at large is undergoing a gestative site. A fresh lunation cycle further encourages this. 

The planetary action currently in Aquarius is building and swirling.

Pluto first moved into this sign in mid-January and still sits at 0 degrees. The movement of this slow, outer planet into Aquarius is enriching the soil of this area with very specific nutrients and needs. Consider it compostable liquid gold, but this also needs to be tended, tilled, and turned, ensuring all its minerals reaches every layer. This will be setting the foundation of your own chart, which from here, the next 20 years of growth will feed off these very specific nutrients.

Since Pluto has set the foundation, a planetary parade is poised to follow. The Sun first entered with Pluto at the start of Aquarius season, again highlighting and maybe even exposing and attempting to disinfect this particular area, giving it a good shot at sustainable future growth.

Then on February 5th, Mercury entered Aquarius, immediately joining Pluto for the very first time in this sign in nearly over 200 years. Mercury and Pluto held some heavy, internally focused conversations on what is good for us as individuals and for the collective. This may be a period where hidden, secretive, even corruptive information could have came to light. If you are avoiding the hard conversation, this transit will encourage to bring it forth. I think of these conversations as the ones that send the ripples forward for release for any situation. These are difficult and painful dialogues, they normally begin in our head, conversations playing on repeat. When we give them an exhale from our monologue, are they ever really what they seem? We decompress the monster, and see the corrupted shadow. This is Pluto and Mercury, pulling the shadow from the underworld and the winged messenger, Hermes escorts it into the light. This is also a period of deepening your own esoteric studies, tuning your prayers and meditations. There is great power this week to reach deeper into liminal spaces.

On February 8th, the Moon enters Aquarius in her balsamic phase, she is dark and joins shadowy Pluto and then touches Mercury, from here she translates the light of this past conversation and pulls it into her New Moon phase. This occurs just as the Sun and Uranus are separating from a square with one another, a jolting shift around solid earth. With both luminaries squaring Uranus in Taurus, we can be certain that the only thing certain is change, and this is where we all are at. Many of us are internally feeling pulled in new directions, this may be a distant whisper, completely indiscernible, but the whispers are filling the void and harder to ignore. The New Moon pulls all of this planetary energy forward into a new cycle, one built on discovery, uncertainty, and goals of transformative change.

After the 9th, we quickly get two more inner planets joining this revolutionary party. Mars enters Aquarius on February 13th and slams into Pluto on the 14th, creating some hot and intense Valentine vibes. This transit can make one feel courageous, ambitious and empowered. Be weary of your own intensity though, this is very raw and primal energy, move with caution and discernment. Know when your own feet are getting ahead of you, and have a safety check-valve in place when a situation or emotion gets too hot. This is a proceed with caution day, especially those on first dates. 

Venus enters Aquarius on the 16th, again joining Pluto on the 17th. Venus in Aquarius plays by different rules here, and what attracts us now may feel strangely alien but exalting. Venus, Pluto and Mars all so tightly aspected shortly after Cupids arrow departs on the 14th, this can certainly bring intensity to personal relationships, secret passions and desires may surface. If there is any fall out since the lovers holiday, this is a period of regrouping, reconciliation and can even be a path to separation.

Any planet currently joining Pluto isn’t exactly light and easy, but it is also the first time since the late 1700’s they join the underworld lord in the sign of Aquarius. This is a point of observation and study, it will lend hints to what exactly we will be encountering as individuals and/or collective in the next 20 years during Pluto’s extended stay. The 3 personal planets, Mercury, Venus and Mars parading into Aquarius are very much directed to us individually, and if we have any personal planets aspecting these transits, the volume may be turned up full blast. These transits are all adding to collective compost soup and they could enrichen and enliven the soil. It is up to us to filter out the waste that is antithetical to future life.

All of February, these inner, personal planets will also aspect Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus, this can further increase the volume and instability, but know that these tremors vibrating through your Aquarian sector is exactly the therapeutic tremors of change.

This month’s astrology aligns us with Carl Jung’s sentiment, “In all chaos there is a cosmos, in all disorder a secret order.”

Astrology can be an ordering principle. Is your life feeling disordered? Connect with me here, together we will navigate the stars to orient your life.