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Cancer New Moon

Cancer, Decan II, overseen by the 3 of Cups

The New Moon in Cancer sits at 14 degrees,which is Jupiter’s exaltation degree, and is bookended by two Capricorn Full Moons. The Moon, the ruling queen of Cancer, is right at home when she touches her king, the Sun. Together the two luminaries mark a new cycle, but a cycle influenced by Saturn, the ruler of both Full Moons on June 21 and July 21st.

I spoke of this New Moon briefly in my Cancer Season post, and even threw some tarot cards for the season. Oddly enough, or not, I threw an inverted 3 of Cups in reflection to this New Moon in Cancer. What is quite interesting is the degree of the New Moon, 14 degrees, which is directly associated with this tarot card. I would like to dive a little deeper into the 3 of Cups and its relation to this Cancer New Moon specifically.

The 3 of Cups imagery depicts 3 women raising 3 cups in celebration, with an abundant harvest at their feet. One gets the feeling of accomplishment, community, and teamwork at hand. The collective celebration of life and experience. The number 3 represents the early phase of a new cycle, and suggests that this early celebration is good but also portends caution. We know the number 5 is around the corner, and this is often a card of change or the crux of a situation.

The 3 women, holding a cup, which I described here as a lunar vessel, or a suggestive image to the female cycle, is a nod to the the triple goddess, maiden, mother, crone. This is also a nod to the harvest cycle of the seeding of a new crop, the greening and ripening, and the harvest.

Persephone’s Descent

Greek myth explains this in the abduction story of Persephone, and the role of her earth mother Demeter, and underworld adviser, Hecate. Maiden, Mother & Crone. The myth of Demeter and Persephone is an analogous myth associated with the seasons. It is the capture and imprisonment of the fair maiden Persephone tricked by Hades, taken to the underworld to live as his bride. It is the goddess Hecate, who rules the night and crossroads, that informs Demeter of her daughters capture, for she was the only one who heard her cries when she was captured by Hades. Her mother Demeter holds the harvest hostage herself, throwing the world into a barren starvation, until her daughter Persephone is released from the underworld.

Zeus is aware that a deal must be struck with his brother Hades or man will perish and the gods will no longer be worshiped. Zeus summons Hermes to retrieve Persephone from the shadow land. Hermes dives into the underworld and explains to Hades that the world above is at risk of total starvation, Demeter must see her daughter. Hades agrees to release Persephone, but secretly slips a pomegranate seed into her mouth, a sneaky, silent agreement that secures her to Hades eternally.

Demeter learns of this binding sustenance of the pomegranate seed and informs her daughter that she must now return to Hades for half the year. The mother now recognizes it is time to release her daughter and let her live her destiny. It is this descent of Persephone for 6 months that ushers in the fall and winter, and when she returns to her mother and the world above, the seeds will germinate, buds will bloom, and the earth will become abundant.

The movement of Persephone from her mother Demeter,to the underworld, is also symbolic of the development of the maiden, she must leave her youth behind and mature into the next phase, which can be fearful, dark and unknown. The symbol of the pomengranate seed is analogous to the seed of a man. It is her journey back to the underworld where she bears the fruit and gestates, and her return to the upper realms we see the birth of the coming harvest. Yet we also see the role of Hecate, the wise old crone, who supports Persephone in her underworld development as a personal advisor. There is an ever-evolving link and support of all phases, and also suggests we cannot go back in time, but must evolve into our cyclical nature. The shadow lands of Hades is full of fear and shadows, but growth, strength and hidden fortune abound as well.

For Every Season, Turn, Turn, Turn

And so we bring this myth back to the 3 of Cups and this New Moon in maternal Cancer, the feminine sign that represents the inception of summer and coming harvests, ruled by the Moon herself. We recognize the ever-changing phases of the seasons of the earth and within ourselves, and also the limitations that come with any age and stage of the life cycle. At times we grieve or hold tight to memories of the past, that can constrict us from our own natural evolution. This is the Saturn bookend.

Time is finite, and we see this in the growing of our plants, we only have so much time with the extended daylight and warmth and heat of the Sun. We must maximize the growth of each phase, each phase contains a limit, and if we have eyes to see, a harvest. This is the wall of Saturn.

Saturn’s Full Moon in the earth sign of Capricorn, the sign that harkens the winter solstice, is reminding us now to recognize what has run its course, and what is ready for release. Saturn asks us to grow up, to let certain phases we have outgrown fall away.

The Cancer New Moon suggests we are being ushered into a new personal phase, one deeply connected to our own nostalgia and inner emotional growth. This New Moon sits on Jupiter’s exlatation degree, lending gracious expansion. It is important to recognize, honor, and celebrate each turning. The wisdom lies in when to release the maiden, emerge into the mother, and consult the crone. Each phase offers an opportunity for harvest and new growth.