Analog Sky

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New Moon, New You!

Capricorn New Moon reminds us of what we placed on the altar at the new year, and encourages us to fortify our path forward.

Astrologically, the new year brings no real star significance, but as linear conditioned humans, we look to the Gregorian calendar to direct and manage our time. The turning of the calendar, the movement from December to January has trained us all view it as reset, a do-over, and absolving of annual sins committed prior. We lay our indulgences, our mindless habits, our perceived imperfections at the altar of a new year, sacrificing it to a more perfect image, a promised land of clean slates and forgiven pasts.

I always believe that there is something to the gathered energy of the masses all sending out personal commitments to the ether. A collection of collective shadows calling out to the pleroma to be heard and to be forgiven. Sacred and secular prayer alike, that seeks support and senses they are not alone in this attempted transformation. There is power in numbers. And yet, the sun revolves, and the days check off, and slowly commitments fall off, desserts are ordered, walks are missed, dry January receives a rainstorm, gym memberships become another bill to be weighed on the scale of financial necessity. The energy constricts, and we find ourself making one excuse, and then another. “Rationalized” exceptions build in momentum and derail all goals completly. We find ourself back on the wheel of the chaos we were trying to flee, no longer holding center, but flailing out of control.

This week I bring you astrological empowerment. We are now moving into the second week of the New Year and maybe you are already starting to get tested in the resolution realm. This is normal. January 11th, is a perfect day to remember the quiet prayer you whispered on the eve of 2024, the silent commitment you made to yourself or loudly made to the world. The New Moon in Capricorn, paired with the ruler of this lunation, Mars is backing you up and asking you to double down this week. Mars, the instigator, the kick-starter, the edge you need, is co-present under this lunation, and has exalted power of a knight wishing to deliver you the proper weapons to wield to keep you and your discipline on track. 

We may have to start from the beginning, but this is exactly where a fresh lunation in Capricorn begins to shine- bottom up!

Mars makes contact with Jupiter during this period by the most fortunate aspect, the trine. The trine, a 120 degree aspect between two planets, is of the nature of Jupiter. It expands the martial energy, blesses its actions, and assists with execution. 

New Moon in Capricorn emits little light right now, but make no doubt Luna is eager to start shining. First, we must remember our own commitments to ourself, to others. What does the big picture look like? What is the end goal? Hold that image first in your head, so you know where you are headed. Then pick up the proper tools that Mars has laid next to your altar of what you are sacrficing, go ahead and grab it and know this is what will slay that 2024 dragon of temptation. Let this fresh Moon really represent the new year, new goals, new plans. In Chinese astrology 2024 is the year of the dragon. This dragon may come in many forms, lurking and guarding treasures of insight and transformation, but equally asking for you to confront your biggest monsters and fears in exchange for the gold.

The next connection the Moon makes as it begins to separate from the Capricorn Sun is a conjunction with Pluto at 29 degrees, this is where we really seal our commitments. The Moon and Pluto converse on the gold that is waiting. Any good knight knows to storm the castle and retrieve the riches, you must approach with the proper weaponry and battle plan, without it, you and your resolutions, your visions, will be lost to the shadowland of broken promises and cyclical chaos.

Happy 2024, may you use this New Moon in Capricorn to carry your dreams, wishes, resolutions forward with high success! If you are curious where your own natal chart is leading you in 2024, reach out to me for a personal consultation. Together we will navigate the stars to orient your life in 2024.