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Clearing The Temple

Resistance is futile.

Eclipse season is underway.

The season consists of back-to-back eclipses, the first takes place on March 25, 2:59 am EST, which is the Libra Penumbral (partial shadow) lunar eclipse. The second eclipse comes at the New Moon on April 8th, a total solar eclipse. The eclipse energy is already palpable, especially for those with sensitive astrological points in their own chart. On a collective level, the total solar eclipse has consumed the minds of millions, especially in the US. Theories and conspiracies float amongst the digital ether of what this can portend, suddenly everyone is an astrologer. 

Explore the etymology of eclipses here.

Lunar Eclipse Prominent Astro Points

The March 25th Lunar Eclipse is a South Node eclipse, indicating a clearing. The first thing we are going to look at is the meaning of a lunar eclipse, which is essentially a super-inflated Full Moon.  Full Moon’s speak to culmination, or the peak of a cycle where all is illuminated. On the most fundamental level, lunar eclipses speak to the closing of a door. Yet Luna’s light will only be partially obscured, or eclipsed, so this makes us first note that something that should be seen is being hidden. 

Secondly, the South Node is present, and this speaks to the clearing away or harvesting of matters that we have been working with. The South Node can wrap up timelines, settle old disputes, sweep away that which is present. 

Already we can see that something in our lives is coming to fruition, a cycle is ending, and there is also hidden information that we are not seeing at this moment, something being obscured. 

The eclipse is happening in the sign of Libra, cardinal air that is an inception point to the autumn equinox. This is the sign of the scales, that balances equally day and night. Ruled by Venus and exalted by Saturn, this sign is related to the collective over the individual, and is always keeping our intentions in check. Venus seeks harmony and balance. If we are tipping the proverbial scales too far in a narcissistic measure, eclipses here may sweep the rug out from under our basic human feet. Libra asks us to deepen into the collective experience, to look at our loved ones, our friends, our neighbors and ask are we all living in optimal balance? IF there is imbalance in these areas, the eclipse may fasten onto these broken connections, attempting to rattle them into a greater synthesis. Which can also mean a complete breakdown.

It is important to look at what Venus, the planetary ruler of the eclipse, is up to in the current astro-weather. Venus is sitting in Pisces, which is her exaltation, which means she has adequate resources in the temple of Pisces to be Venus, which is compassionate, loving and fair. She has just made a conjunction to Saturn (also note that Saturn is exalted in Libra), which makes this Venus a little more stoic than usual. The Venus I envision is the archetype of the Crone, the wise medicine woman who has walked many footsteps in this world and even dipped into the chthonic spaces of life and from the underworld has brought back great medicine wisdom. Her time with Saturn, and the fact that eclipse itself is in trine aspect to Pluto, the God of the Underworld, makes me think that this lunar eclipse speaks to old wounds, old love, and tunnels that moved from heartbreak to healing hearts. Venus in Pisces also brings to mind Mary Magdalene and her deep love for Christ that was immovable. Christ’s resurrection was obscured to those who didn’t believe, it was Mary who was the first to see Jesus, it was her faith, her love, that gave her ears to hear and eyes to see.

This Libra lunar eclipse is guided by both Venus and Saturn and has a hint of Pluto to suggest that all that is rising to be swept away is related to past relationship imbalances, and possibly to new personal realignments to the collective, whether this be your family, your friends, local community or the collective at large, there is something shifting and closing out. 

Libra Eclipse History

It is good to note that back in October 2023, we had the first solar eclipse in Libra, note what was newly forming in your life then. Locate the house of Libra in your own birth chart for more specific themes that can lead you to some personal observations faster. You can reflect here on this past eclipse.

For myself, the October eclipse was marked by two very important but different moments. The first was I ran my last marathon the day of the eclipse. It was a challenging race, and marked the beginning of the winding down to my racing cycles and my relationship in general to running. I have been a consistent runner for the last two decades, rarely missing a run. I qualified for Boston a second time, the first Boston training cycle was abruptly cancelled in 2020 due to the Covid outbreak. That was a real heartbreak, and now I have qualified again, and I didn’t really feel my heart even skip a beat, there was no fire. For the last two months I haven’t ran a step, due to an odd knee injury. Most people thought I would be crushed not being able to run daily, and to be honest, I have loved the time away. It has given me so much perspective, room to breathe in new ways to move my body and to learn to be still. Not waking up and thinking about tackling my next run has created so much space for well, so much else.

During that last eclipse, Venus had been transiting my first house of self, psychology, body and health. On the day of the race, it was directly over my fiery Mars, my energetic furnace that is constantly pushing me harder. In my own chart, Saturn and Venus live in my 12th house together, a challenging place for my personal self-worth at times. It seemed that the eclipse seeds around that point were focusing on my own story to how I value myself and my health, maturing me into a more evolved state, yet not without challenges. These last few months I have had many lessons around the art of being still and acceptance. I have found just this week as Saturn and Venus went conjunct in Pisces, deeper Crone wisdom assiting in leveling up my own perspective on self-worth, and I will tell you what, it is not defined by how far I can run. 

South Node eclipses can clear the temple, making space for resisted growth.

The second big moment of the eclipse came the day prior to it, with an opportunity to read astrological charts for the public at a local event the following week. I was so nervous to test my astrological interpertative skills for complete strangers on the spot, and yet I surprised even myself with how much I enjoyed the event. I loved it, I loved the challenge, the speed, the variability of people, charts, and timing. Since then, I have gone on to do more of these events, and have increased clients each time. I have learned my own boundaries of what I can and cannot handle, increased my business knowledge and I have generated new communities through these experiences as well.

The eclipse in Libra is directly hitting my second house of personal wealth, assets and resources. The opportunities to expand my astrology business have grown and changed, and also my own personal resources and my relationship to my assets have ebbed and flowed as well since October. These are all symptoms of eclipses through my finanical sector.

Clearing The Temple

I cannot fully predict what this eclipse season will bring, but be certain the wavesets have already begun rolling in. If there are events, people, habits to release, this season of occulted light may darken these doorsteps. It may be time to clear the temple and get straight with yourself. The thing about eclipses, there is nothing to do short of that, in fact any magical remediation is actually frowned upon at this time. We can prepare our minds and our hearts to find our center. Eclipses and any other planetary transits of immense power always bring the promise of change and the turning of the wheel of fortune. The wheel spins round and round, fortunes rise and fortunes fall, these are the facts. The challenge and the practice is to find your center point that keeps your mind and heart still, and so when any big planetary movement hits our charts, you are rocking ever so gently, moving with the waves and not struggling against the current.

Clear the temple, and await new growth. Life is a mindset.