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Eclipsed Saturn Return

Prime Hydration Drink, founded by Logan Paul, is undergoing two class-action lawsuits, pertaining to the ingredients contained.

Honestly, I would of not thought I would be looking at Logan Paul’s birth chart, but this article caught my eye. I hadn’t heard of Prime Hydartion Drinks, and did not know Logan Paul was the founder and spokesperson of this product. When I looked further into this article, I found not one but two class-action lawsuits slapped on this drink recently. A drink, primarily marketed to a younger audience including videogames, is being sued for excessive amounts of caffeine and the mislabeling of the data, and the other lawsuit regarding forever chemicals in the drink that are known to cause cancer. Both of these lawsuits are hitting at the same time and I thought, hmmm, what is going on in his birth chart??

Inner Wheel: Paul’s Natal Chart. Outer Wheel: Aries Solar Eclipse Chart

Logan Paul was born with both the Sun and Moon in Aries, and the most recent total eclipse in Aries, April 8th hit right over his natal New Moon and the eclipse crossed right over his birth home, Cleveland. This eclipse over both of his luminaries can symbolize a darkening of his own light, a fall from grace if you will. The lawsuit regarding the caffeine was filed April 8th, the day of the eclipse. This eclipse, and the recent Scorpio Full Moon have brought both lawsuits now into the public eye. On April 18th, the judge heard the case for dismissal of the PFA’s lawsuit, Venus and Mercury rx conjoined near his natal Sun and Moon on this day in the same sign of the eclipse. In regards to essential dignity, Venus is in her detriment and Mercury is retrograde. The verdict has not been decided.

The public release of the latest lawsuit regarding the discovery of dangerous levels of PFA’s comes under the auspice of the Full Moon in Scorpio, Paul’s 11th house which also holds his MC, the signifier for career. This signifier has just received an opposition from the Jupiter*Uranus conjunction and a square from Pluto. Sudden (Jupiter/Uranus) revelations (Full Moon in water sign) coming forth of hidden toxic ingredients (Pluto)in his creative project (5th house). Quite literal.


What also struck my eye, Logan is going through his first Saturn return in Pisces, and transiting Saturn is applying by 2 degrees to his natal Saturn currently. Saturn returns are maturation points, notable for pivotal life changing events. The first Saturn return has a way of moving us onto a new path of “adulting”. Mars, the other malefic, is also co-present and ruler of the eclipse. Both of these challenging heavy-weight planets are giving this fighter a 1-2 knockout. This is occurring in his third house of communication, directly associated with his social media presence and influence. The third house also contains Mercury, which is in both detriment and fallen, by dignity. His solar return this year, Mercury went retrograde, and it is also his time lord for the year. Mars and Neptune are currently conjunct his natal Mercury as well in the third house, adding more murkiness and inflamation around these matters. Logan Paul is also a Capricorn rising, ruled by Saturn, the Saturn return boomerangs back to his first house. The latest eclipse is opposite his 10th house of reputation, reflecting his own social standing, personal life and career taking a direct hit at this time. When it comes to his standing as an influencer, astrologically this year looks challenging and may require an adjustment, and the recent revelations this April is proving quite accurate.

On a lighter note, April 15th, he announced the news of an expected baby, his first child. This would also follow the thread of the eclipse in the fourth house of home and family, the maturation of his Saturn, as well as Jupiter, the planet associated with fertility, joining Uranus in the fifth house of children.

The astrology speaks again, Logan Paul’s birth chart is beyond lit up and very loud!