Analog Sky

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Engaging the Soul

Full Moon at 23° Cancer engages both Uranus and Mars rx, prompting the spirit to activate the soul.

The first Full Moon of 2025 is in her home sign of Cancer, the protective crab. The Moon, often associated with emotions and mood, due to her frequent changeability, finds herself growing to full bloom on Monday, January 13, 2025. The Moon is not alone in the sky when she shines bright and high, Mars will be tracking close behind and will be visible. Mars has just reentered Cancer through the retrograde motion, and with him he brings greater guarding, anxious action and heightened awareness. 

The Moon often speaks to the matrix we swim in, whether it be the womb of the mother that first grows and nourishes us or the community that embraces us and helps us grow in strength and love, this is the realm of the Moon. The Moon often reflects back to us our feelings in particular situations.

This lunation takes place in the 3rd decan of Cancer at 23°, which is also ruled by the Moon. The tarot card associated with this Full Moon is the 4 of Cups, which can be a card associated with general discontent. It can be a card that expresses boredom and unfullfillment, and really what is often lacking is activation of spirit. Is it possible this Moon calls for us to engage the soul?

Incoming Lunar Energy: The Full Moon occurs at 23° of Cancer, the third decan. 4 of Cups is assoicated with this decan, and the planetary ruler is the Moon.

This Full Moon will reflect back to us what is internally stirring, bringing us to a point where we look around at our home, a routine we have set in place, a relationship, and say, “Huh, something needs to change.” Maybe it is simple as painting the walls or moving the furniture, but it may also express in shifting a relationship entirely. Maybe it is time to make that move, or take that trip, or to inject a little soul into an area in life that has gone a little limp.

At this same time, the Moon also receives a gentle but powerful aspect from Uranus, who is also retrograde. Uranus’ presence may add a dynamic twist, a personal breakthrough, a problem-solving perspective that was hard to see up until this point. Uranus with the Full Moon can encourage you to try something new!

With the martial presence of the archetypal warrior, Mars, we can find with this Full Moon, we are energized to shift our surrounding. We may also be more sensitive and protective of our friends, our community and the things we guard and love. 

This lunation is certainly linked to the journey of Mars through Cancer and Leo which includes the start of the retrograde in Leo on December 6th, as well as the November and New Year’s opposition to Pluto. What once began as underground rumblings, unusual guarding and passive anger, may now be presenting as full blown earthquakes and volcanic explosions. Think back to late fall and early winter, and find if there are any sharp tension points. If so, this full Moon could bring the issue to full light and even begin presenting with resolution. 

Planetary Moves of the Week

This week overall has many moving parts. The lunar nodes have also entered their new axis signs, Virgo and Pisces. The eclipses will start forming in these signs in the spring and fall, shifting our focus, including the releasing of microscopic introspection and over control and an increase around gathering in more collective, spiritual workings, realizing we truly are in this together. 

On January 14th, the two benefics, Venus and Jupiter square off from Pisces to Gemini.  Venus is in the dominant position and in Jupiter’s sign, she has great power as an exalted ruler. She assists Jupiter who suffers a bit more in the detriment of Gemini. It is just too mentally busy for Jupiter, with too many moving parts that never seem to stop and finalize the big picture. When Venus touches Jupiter through the square aspect, it is more of a reassuring firm kiss on the cheek than a slap, reminding Jupiter that the big picture is more than the schedule, or the busy details, but the relationships and the design. Is it meaningful? Is it beautiful? Are you having fun?

If you are taking things too seriously, this transit will loosen you up and even invoke a touch of creative whimsy. Be careful to not overindulge too much, this transit may also leave you with doors too wide open!

On January 18th, all doors shut as Venus and Saturn meet at the 16th degree of Pisces. This will be the first of 3 conjunctions. Venus and Saturn meeting in the sign of Pisces can be an ongoing, closed conversation based around values, sacrifice, maturity and hard-earned wisdom. This transit, and the two to follow in the spring, will expose relationship stress points and will also ask for patience and understanding to meet on mutual grounds that support enduring growth. Saturn will not allow quick and easy solutions.

This week is a time to be on guard to a point, to protect that which drinks from your well. Yet it is also a time to be mindful of the water supply and the overall longterm health of it. If you must create walls and cisterns to keep the containments out, then moves must be made. It is also important not too lose sight of the soul’s journey, mine and yours, and remember at the heart of all of this is living fully engaged.

This coming year has many big planetary changes, which will impact the collective and the individual. If you are curious how these planetary shifts will show up in your life, reach out for a natal chart session. I have a few spots still available for February client sessions!

I also have an upcoming workshop on Numerology. This is a local, in-person workshop at The Healing Sanctuary in Romeo, MI.