Analog Sky

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Enter the Lion…

Leo season marks a turning in the summer. Though the days are generally bright, sunny, and at times oppressively warm in the northern hemisphere, darkness is quietly creeping in. Each side of dawn and dusk borrowing another minute from the night daily.

The counterintuitive aspect to all of this is that Leo is the temple of the Sun, a king trying to hold on to what he has built, rulership is his. Here in Leo, there is a tendency to find high authority, nobility and fame, yet one must be conscience of their own ego gaining too much ownership. 

There is great strength to be found in the sign of Leo, but not without a battle to opposition. It is the pressing of the darkness, the turning of the seasonal wheel that will pressure test Leo’s own will. Trying to ward off the overcoming shadows, the Sun fights hard to maintain an ideal image of the empire he built. The wheel will turn, and every reign eventually ceases rulership. 

Looking at the decans of Leo, each 10 degrees within the sign speaks to this internal oppression stirring in Leo. The season begins with decan I, 0-9 degrees, being given over to Saturn’s control. The natural nemesis to the Lord of Light, the Lord of Darkness. This is the foreshadowing to the oncoming harvest that Virgo season brings. Saturn warns the Sun, “ I am coming for your light, eventually you will have to give it over. It won’t be long.” 

The next 10-19 degrees is decan II. Jupiter, the greater benefic, has rulership. Jupiter is fit to battle Saturn’s warning in the temple of the Sun. Jupiter encourages the Sun while imparting deep wisdom to the king, lessons of humility and grace. Jupiter is the silvering sage that knows profound cycles exist in everything and motivates the Sun’s own ego to “go gently in the night”. Jupiter is working hard to help preserve the Sun’s legacy.

It is the final third decan, 20-29, rulership of Mars, the one who will make the final cut, where Leo season wraps up. At this point, the Sun is clearly weakening and by the time Virgo season is in swing, the war is essentially over. Mars will sever the tight hold Leo wishes to possess, despite all the noble efforts. It is time to take a bow, and exit stage left. 

Leo puts up noble fights, and can be very strong in rulership, but it is the wise individual who knows when to walk away from engagements that no longer serve them, or create tyranny. 

Where in your chart is Leo? What areas do you find great strength in? How does the light shine brightly in your life? Could this also be an area where you need to relinquish control as well? The house of Leo can also show where you lack confidence or need to build more motivation. How does the opposition of light and darkness show up for you? 

This is all relevant to the natal placements of the planets in your birth chart. If you would like to know more about your own Leo placements, reach out to me. Let us divine.