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Fixed Water, Full Moon

Fixed water some times need to be rerouted.

Light and water flow in one direction under this Full Moon in Scorpio. This Full Moon occurs in the fixed water sign of Scorpio, picture a river that only flows in one direction. Prior to the perfection of the Full Moon, the Moon squares Pluto in the fixed sign of Aquarius. In astrology, this is considered transference of light. The Moon gathers the energy of Pluto in Aquarius and brings it forth into the full refraction of the Full Moon, further coloring planetary energy of this transit. 

In modern astrology, Pluto is the ruler of Scorpio, it is similar to Mars the traditional ruler. Both planets can be sharp and power hungry, both planets can stir up tension and set us on our own warpath. Mars and Pluto can both be bold, scary, inciting, and intense. Just days prior to the Full Moon, the Sun also squared Pluto, challenging our solar lights strength, inciting greater personal autonomy.  The Moon gathers up this energy as well, moving it all forward. 

With all of this fixed energy flowing in one direction only, we must look into our own hearts and mind, deeper currents locked in and now being stirred. Under the Moon’s full illumination, what is crammed into our heart’s abyss may be pulled to the surface.

This lunar aspect may stir our hearts and override rational logic. Scorpio is guarded, private, and really good at holding things down emotionally. If there is a threat, they know how to keep it out, and sometimes this means just burying it deeper in their own psyches shadow, and naming it personal strength. This strength though can tend to build impermeable fortresses that end up locking out even the best intentioned opportunities.  

Again, transits are never in a vacuum. This month of April, astrologically speaking, is active and disruptive. Eclipses, retrogrades and the dynamism of Jupiter and Uranus joining one another just days prior to this revelatory Full Moon. A Scorpio Full Moon may bring all of the previous transits home, revealing a more nuanced storyline. 

Your own heart may be stirring with monsters you thought you hid so well, out of sight, out of mind. Pluto reaches down into the secret well of your deepest fears, and begins swirling them endlessly around, disrupting the flow of your well-established rigid river. The waters may be rising with the tides of this lunation, but this comes at a point of new revolutions. What if your personal revolution is allowing for the shores of your own safety to be washed away. Redefine the container that holds your own emotions. Maybe its too small, too big, too protective. When we become so fixed in the way we react, guard and protect, we can loose sight of who to even let in.

5 of Cups, Lord of Disappointment, ruled by Mars oversees this lunation.

The Five of Cups in the tarot is the card that rules this lunation. It falls in the first decan of Scorpio, also ruled by Mars. Mars is the warrior, for better or worse. Within us we possess our own warrior, the one who protects and lends us with an inner personal strength. In the card, the man is so focused on the three spilled cups, he doesn’t realize that two remain hidden, upright behind him. He focuses on what has spilled out, but what is still contained? The river flows here, in one direction, remember that what we wish not to look at, still remains. 

Perhaps these containers hold secret strength, sacred elixir, for the inner warrior we have yet to discover. We can grieve for the past, for what we have lost, how we have been hurt, but at some point we must let go of that which only seeks to further kill off our own spirit. Can we look into the two cups and see what it is we are avoiding, perhaps it is exactly the elixir for our healing. Two symbolizes a duality, so this does not come without tension, but also asks to trust.

This Full Moon, ruled by Mars and strongly challenged by Pluto, is helping expose some light on where we have been giving our own power away. We are prompted to look into the standing 2 cups, at how we may be fixed in our own orientation to these fears, to a path that is so narrow we are no longer growing. 

Jupiter and Uranus are resetting a new 14-year cycle in all of our lives, and one that demands courage and realignment. The Scorpio Full Moon that falls so close to this conjunction seeks to usher this in, by first showing us our weaknesses, wounds and fears, and then we can set new parameters around our shores. We will always need boundaries, clear walls of discernment, but does it need to be so narrow and high?