Analog Sky

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Full Moon In Aries

The luminary cycle began with the New Moon in Libra, and on Sunday it will reach the phase of fullness in Aries. Reflecting on my last musing on the New Moon, it was a potent and busy time in the astrological heavens. There was a feeling of imbalance, even being taken advantage of. Something was off, and it was hard to keep turning away. The more you turn, you eventually circle back to the issue, having to face the elephant in the room. 

The last couple weeks, maybe we began to poke the sleeping giant, and awaken hard conversations. Mercury finally moving forward from its previous retrograde, and still with a few days left in its power in Virgo, voices and concerns are now being heard. 

It will be the Full Moon in Aries, Sunday the 9th, and these days leading up to its lunar culmination that can bring greater clarity to the bigger picture. Just as the Moon is perfecting to peak light, it will hit an opposition to Venus. Venus is under the beams of the Sun, which in most cases would seriously debilitate her mediating skills, but here in Libra she is protected by being in her own home sign. Ancient astrologers described a planet in its own ruling domicile, but under the beams of the Sun, as being in its own chariot.  A protected shelter, shading out the harmful rays of the Sun that would normally weaken and burn a planet’s efficacy. Venus still has serious skills at finding compromise, prepare though for some underlying tension with both parties having to seek middle ground for the best settlement. Here we may find neither losers or winners, but a better solution of moving forward that helps encourage a greater evolution for everyone. 

The very next day, the host of the Full Moon, Mars, will move into an inferior square to Neptune which will fully perfect on the 12th, and this is a transit the collective will have experienced three times by the end of this year due to Mars retrograde. It was early January 2022 where this first square began. I looked back at my own journal, specifically reflecting on this transit then and in reflection of my own life and its evolution. At the time I was moving out of a dark night of the soul phase and beginning to feel the warmth of the world again. It was also a point that made me look at my daily choices and how I was spending those moments. I knew it was time to take personal action with my goals and how I envisioned the path ahead. This next square will no doubt ask me to reflect and analyze, in concert with the Saturn and Uranus square, we cannot necessarily look at the transits in their own bubble. This year for many of us is about collective and individual change, and as I reflected in my musing on Saturn and Uranus, are we rebuilding on solid ground or a sinkhole? Mars and Neptune squaring off once again, this is a time to reflect on our actions we have implemented, have we been too romantic, and can we share this dreamscape with rational realism and action?