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Full Moon in Capricorn

Challenging, deep and mysterious…

The Full Moon in Capricorn perfects on July 13 at 2:38 pm ET. This Full Moon completes the waxing portion of the New Moon that began on June 28 in Cancer. The ancients referred to Cancer as the “Temple of the Moon”, ruling with a nourishing, intuitive hand. Since the New Moon in Cancer, the Moon has been gaining light and moving the seeds along that were planted when Venus and Jupiter were in pleasant conversation. Now Venus has paired up with Saturn, the ruler of the Full Moon, and they are discussing possible renovations to the plan. They meet in a friendly aspect, as friendly as Saturn can withstand. Saturn is currently retrograde, further contributing to the stalling out of plans or projects. Not all the data is in. 

Looking at the zodiacal wheel, Capricorn, the temple of Saturn, is on the complete opposite side of Cancer and we find that the Moon is in her detriment here.  The Moon is challenged here, and the warm waters she likes to swim within Cancer, do not exist in this Saturnian landscape. In fact there is no water, just a cold, dry desert, that is challenging to supporting any life. Yet the full, reflective light is illuminating this barren sign and it will also quickly join up with transiting Pluto immediately after. 

Pluto, the god of deep transformation, secrets, and power will certainly color this Full Moon. The intensity of the Full Moon phase will be felt, and possible details or secrets we didn’t know existed, revealed. It may take time to surface, due to Mercury currently under the beams of the Sun, a place where communication is difficult. When Mercury does hit the heart of the Sun on July 16th, this may bring more form to thought, a eureka moment. 

This could be a transformational point in many of our lives, individually and/or collectivley. Spaces unearthed, secret stories shared, hard emotions purged. This Full Moon is in a tight trine with Uranus, an aspect that will help usher a quick pivot or revolution. It is an important time to be still, listen patiently to what is trying to be revealed and be ready to adapt to the whims of the Gods.