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Gaia’s Ghost Ships

7.02.2024: Venus in Cancer trine Saturn rx in Pisces 19 degrees

Saturn has retrograded in the spiritual, life-giving waters of Pisces. On July 2, Venus will trine Saturn from Cancer, another watery region of the zodiac . This trine is supportive and life giving in itself.

This particular transit reminds me of the Hesiod’s poem, Theogony, which describes the origins of the ancient Greek Gods. In particular, the story of Cronus overthrowing his father, Uranus. Raising the sickle from mother Gaia’s womb and castrating his cruel father as he attempts to lie with his mother. 

Up until this act, Uranus had been rejecting his own children by holding them hostage in Gaia’s womb. Child after child, she was tortured by their imprisoned stay in their place of creation. Growing overly full, and immensely uncomfortable, she pleads with her internal children to assist her in rescuing her from this pain by overthrowing their own father. Cronus, Saturn, is the only child to rise to this unformidable act and seek retribution.

Gaia hands her brave son a sickle, an image that will forever be associated with Saturn, the reaper of time and life. Cronus violently severs his father’s genitals and tosses them into the sea. The sea gathers foam around the severed organ. The foam in Greek is called aphros, and from here we are given the creation story of Aphrodite, born of this foam. Aphrodite, the goddess of love and pleasure, is birthed from the violent act against Uranus. Aphrodite’s origin story displays the duality built into our world, beauty birthed from dire straits. Just like Erebus (underworld) and Nyx (night) birth Aether (brightness) and Hemera (day), our own personal challenges in life possess the anti-thesis or the brighter light to the issues that confront us. It is in the aether, or the light, we find the antidote to the sickness.

Gaia’s Waters

Saturn in Pisces, reminds me of Cronus being locked into his own mother’s matrix. This water is also akin to our own unconscious realm. Saturn’s work in Pisces and Neptune’s 15 year stay in this spritiual sea, is connected to our own hidden waters; the fears, the illusions, the divinity and hidden wisdom that lie beneath the surface of what we see. Pisces is the temple of connecting our soul to the greater soul, to the source. Our own unconscious equally holds shadows and deep truths, yet it is the work of each one of us to dive internally deep and navigate those underwater cauldrons. Through the work we reconnect to ourself, and more profoundly to the source that birthed us.

What is it that feeds our own internal soul springs, and what poisons the well? Saturn in Pisces asks us to look at the emotional baggage weighing us down, and this current retrograde within this 2.5 year cycle, calls us back to the heavy task of this weighty burden. Saturn always demands a sacrifice, and in return a maturation and an intimacy that brings us closer to the meaning of our life.

07.02.24: Neptune stations retrograde in Pisces 29 degrees

Neptune closely aspects Saturn in Pisces and also stations retrograde at the last degree in Pisces. Neptune’s retrograde can be a call back to reality, and Saturn is very supportive of this. With both planets retrograde in a boundless sea, this period may have us returning back to these underwater caverns in our life that keep us feeling whole or united, that keep our mother Gaia sick.

Cronus swimming closely to Poseidon in Gaia’s seas, stirs unsettling issues around spirit, heart, and internal health, but can also reveal harsh realities. Like ghost ships appearing out of the milky fog, we may find our own minds haunted by the past or veils lifting the illusion of control. Ships that we set to sail, may return back to unsettled shores.

On July 2, Aphrodite, Venus trines Saturn and lends a comforting touch, a hug, perhaps even a sickle to help cut out the oppressive and toxic sludge that keeps us from uniting with the great mother, with our own origin story.

07.08.2024: Venus in Cancer sextile Uranus in Taurus 26 degrees

On July 8, Aphrodite meets her own father, Uranus. The two planets, Venus and Uranus, meet through sextile, which is Venus’ aspect.  This is a soft and compassionate day, and one that can further assist one’s own personal healing. Venus has the upper hand, since Uranus resides in her own home temple of Taurus. Emotional creative outbursts, spontaneous acts of love, and a revolutionary call to personal compassion and self-care can be great ways to navigate all that has been surfacing emotionally.

07.11.2024 : Venus in Cancer trine Neptune rx in Pisces 29 deg

Sun in Cancer trines Saturn rx 19 deg

On July 11, both Saturn and Neptune are activated from Venus and Cancer Sun by trine. Again, this to me is a period of really profound, emotional work. There may be real breakthroughs, insights, and healing that can occur between the 8th and the 10th. The tools of creativity are heightened, and methodical paths in and through the harder roadblocks are easier to spot.

Bloodletting Retrogrades

Saturn will remain retrograde until November 15, 2024, where it will station direct at 12 degrees. Neptune will remain retrograde until December 7, 2024, where it will station direct at 27 degrees. Both planets retrograding in Pisces are like the ghost ships dropping anchor, dredging the floor of the soul, and kicking back whispers from the shadowlands. Consider Saturn’s sickle making tiny micro-cuts into your deepest fears, disillusions, and wounds. The sickle, like the anchor, stirs and releases the seabed of spirits and shadows in the soul’s oceanfloor. This act which can inflict immense discomfort also is an act of purification. The bloodletting of these retrogrades may be just what you need to purge, heal, and unite the spirit to heart. From here, we can pull anchor, purify the Piscean sea and let our ghosts set sail once and for all.

Where is Pisces in your natal chart? What is slowing down, seeking release and purification? Connect with me, and together we will navigate your natal chart to orient your soul.