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Garden New Moon

May 7, 2024, we get a New Moon in the sign of Taurus, a fixed earth sign, ruled by Venus. The Moon in Taurus holds a royal place of exaltation in this zodiac sign, the lunar luminary holds court here. This New Moon is earthy, Venusian, and focused on more nuanced meaning and values. It encourages us to slow our life down, asks us to add more qualitative time elements to our Taurus garden sector in our chart. 

Ram Vs. Bull

Early spring, time had a quantitative feel, focusing on how much can we get accomplished in a small window. The Sun in Aries is Ram Season, plowing quickly ahead with excitement and unfettered energy. Taurus moves us into Bull Season, steady calculated steps fixated on more specific goals. This Taurus New Moon cycle beckons us to drop our anchor, create some drag and tend to our more personal gardens. Personal spaces that may need weeds pulled, enlivening soils of our one-to-one relationships, or literal gardens. This is not a space for multi-tasking or checking off the daily grind lists. This is a lunation that asks us to connect our mind to our heart, and place emphasis on the elements of our life that feed and warm our souls. Maybe it is a creative project, planting flowers, cooking evening meals that feed and connect the family. The garden represents our enclosed, personal space, a place of growth, sustenance and harvest. It is okay to take steal back some minutes from life’s demands and hide behind the garden walls, and now is astrologically keen for exactly this.

The Moon makes a few aspects prior to her joining the Sun in Taurus at 18 degrees that encourages this more personal, soulful emphasis. Luna first makes contact with Queen Venus by conjunction, who also resides in Taurus currently. She welcomes her co-ruler, her confidant, Luna, with loving open arms. Venus asks the Moon to revel in and enjoy the riches and pleasantries of Taurus. The Moon then aspects Saturn in Pisces by sextile, a Venusian aspect. Saturn the Time God, the great restrainer, sends a gentle nod in agreement with Venus.  There is no rush, in fact speed may make you miss the important details with this lunation. Drop into the garden, and stay awhile.

Are Your Scales Balanced? 6 of Pentacles rules this Taurus New Moon, giving and receiving.

The tarot card that rules this lunation is the 6 of Pentacles. I like to look at this card as a balancing of giving and receiving. The man stands under an arch of pentacles, with the scale in one hand, which is reminiscent of another Venusian ruled sign, Libra. This scale speaks to the scale of justice, including the inner justice of our soul and spirit, how they are both being expressed equally in this life time. The New Moon in Taurus is a soulful reset, analyzing if we are feeding or starving our soul’s most inner urges and needs. Are we fully nourished or can we tend to those hungry spaces during this New Moon cycle and feed them properly? Can you slow it down enough to even notice where your own life is impoverished?

May is the perfect month to incorporate greater soul nutrition.

As the Moon separates from the Sun, she will then reactivate the Jupiter*Uranus conjunction that is still slowly pulling apart in the sign of Taurus. Is there a connection to the revolution that has been stirring and transforming? Maybe this is the month that we indulge the revolution, sit in its garden and feed it wisely. As the Moon nears greater illumination in her cycle mid-month, greater action will beckon when two strong conjunctions form: Mars and the North Node and the Sun and Jupiter. For now we sit in the quiet darkness of a building Moon in the life-giving gardens of Taurus.