Analog Sky

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Good Fortune Gemini

Artwork: The Evanescent by Norwood Hodge MacGilvary (American, 1874-1950)

It all began on May 20, 2024, the Sun entered at zero degrees and Gemini season kicked off with the head luminary as its leader. This would begin a slow planetary parade into this sector of the mutable zodia. Baby Benefic, Venus, blew into airy Gemini on May 23rd. Two days later, Jupiter, Big Daddy Benefic, would follow Venus into Gemini. Both planets of good fortune and good spirit, would then be joined by the ruler of this ambient temple, Mercury on June 3rd. In expected Gemini fashion, Mercury would negotiate a dual between how we perceive beneficary gifts in our own life, exposing light and shadow. We would learn how to release that which keeps us from receiving love and further separated from self-value and worth.

Gemini rests on the fulcrum of light and dark, and Mercury the psychopomp loves to journey the realms of night and day, swimming on the surface and diving deeper into the abyss, rising up to the highest point of the xenith and then descending to the underworld. The building of planets in this mutable temple, especially the two benefic planets, have us exploring these internal realms within ourself and at the same time providing us with the perfect big picture insight to negotiate what is best for our mind and relationships.

All of this would eventually accumulate under the Venus cazimi on June 4th. Venus and the Sun met at 14 degrees Gemini, and the brilliant insights around love and the mind that have been pouring in really coalesced around this period. Illuminating wisdom around personal self-worth, paving clearer relationship inroads towards healthier communication, and a liberating release from negative self talk that fills the spaces not only in our own mind, but litters our personal relationships. The New Moon in Gemini on June 6th, which was also conjunct this separating Venus cazimi aspect, gathered all of this internal revelation and assists on rebuilding the communication of the mind and the heart.

“All opposition has its resolution in an underlying unity.” Alan Watts reflecting on Carl Jungs position of understanding good and evil.

Forever seeking balance and ultimately unity, Mercury assists.

Mercury reminds me of the two dots in the yin yang symbol, a symbol which depicts the perfect balance of two opposites. When I began learning astrology, I saw the white half as the yang Sun and the black portion as the yin Moon, and it was the dot within each that reminded me of Mercury, who journeys between the light and dark, relaying messages, visions, insight. Mercury connects and balances the duality of this world.

Are you feeling this? Where is Gemini in your chart? On June 14th, Mercury and the Sun will meet through cazimi at 24 degrees Gemini. Look to this period to see how your own relationship to your mind, to your personal self-talk and to the relationships of those close to you are improving and having significant breakthroughs.