Analog Sky

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Jupiter’s Grand Finale

The Taurus sector in the zodiac continues to pop and expand, and on May 18th this is the grand finale to all that has been quickening here since the Jupiter Uranus conjunction back in April. Jupiter and the Sun meet through a conjunction at 28 degrees Taurus, another cazimi moment that follows swiftly on the heels of Uranus and Sun conjunction on May 13th. Planets passing through the heart of the Sun are resets of the synodic cycle, a  rebirthing moment for the planet. Jupiter resets this day, being reborn as a youthful and extremely jovial Zeus. Full of charisma, optimism and big plans. This is the signal to move forward and really make this transit count. In just less than a week, Jupiter will change signs, moving into Gemini. Jupiter will not return to Taurus until 2035! There is a lot of positive energy in this current transit, and is supported by a Venus and Uranus conjunction as well at 23 degrees Taurus. Venus is in her home sign and her conjunction with Uranus brings unexpected creative twists, perhaps an eccentric muse or unseen creative solution. The two benefic planets, Jupiter and Venus, are supporting your journey.

Neptune in Pisces also aspects this cazimi by sextile, in a Jupiter ruled sign. I cannot help but see the Great Spirit’s hand in all of this. There is so much creative force behind this transit, use this weekend to truly reflect on how your life has transmuted since Jupiter’s arrival in Taurus last May 2023.

The house of Taurus is ripe for sustained growth, and ready to endure all you have been building. Jupiter and the Sun together shine a bright spotlight calling your goals and visions home. As both the Sun and Jupiter move through the final degrees of Taurus together, they are asking you to bring it on home. 

What have you been learning, building, growing? Can you really begin to embody and incorporate this last year’s journey of Jupiter through Taurus?

These accumulating transits in Taurus ask for deep personal self-reflection on how you have been building, shifting, adjusting, and ultimately incorporating. Jupiter’s own role shifts when he enters Gemini, his effectiveness at seeing the grand picture will be diminished and challenged. Now is the optimal time to act and integrate! 

Unclear of your own Taurus sector in your birth chart, reach out to me, and together we will navigate your birth chart to orient your soul.