Analog Sky

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Leo New Moon

Luna begins a new cycle on August 16th, at 5:37 am EST, in the fixed, fire sign of Leo. This Leo New Moon exactly squares Uranus in Taurus at 23 degrees. Mars is also applying to Uranus in an inferior trine. All of this is on the heels of the Venus cazimi, which marks the midpoint of Venus’ retrograde. If you would like to read further on this cazimi, you can here Venus Cazimi.

There is a lot of fire in this New Moon, a seeding point to in this fixed fire sign. Mars, in mutable Virgo, also heats things up in a positive aspect to Uranus. The image of a phoneix rising in the flames, an inception point of potential innovative form burning through. Form you haven’t experienced, but intuit exists. The heavy dose of Uranus hints at inventive and even avant-garde flair.

A New Moon in Leo square Uranus, occurring shortly after Venus cazimi, can have you reviewing how you wish to show up in the world. Is a new vision of your representation surfacing? Is the urge to burn off old forms, shed past images, and redesign yourself in an updated fresh way coming through. Is there an internal revolution bubbling inside of you?

Since Sunday’s cazimi, we may have endured flashes of inspiration, innovative images of rebirth to how we present ourself burning through. This can be a visual make over, but it can be something deeper in how we emotionally and mentally communicate with the external world, stepping off first from a position of self-worth and value, and then proceeding in engaging with the world at large. More profound principles, deeper wells of diginity and assurance can be accessed overall this week.

Leo’s New Moon can give us a heartfelt sense of individual identity, purpose, and connect us to our own guiding light, this is the temple of the Sun after all. The Sun is our lantern that accompanies us on our life path, illuminating what we hold true and of value. 

The New Moon can assist us in being more receptive to the underground work Venus is currently engaged in. This reception is a quiet call though, we have to listen rhythmic calls she is sending out in waves. 

Use this week, while Venus herself is asserting herself to take morning star position, to remain quietly tuned in to what feels authentic inside you. Can you pull forth the golden threads woven in your subconscious that bring you joy, value, and meaning. This is what you need to start stitching together, to recreate an image that is aligned with what is calling your heart. The New Moon in Leo provides creative fire and courage to go forth within this new Venus cycle, to dream big into the vision of you and your life and how new forms materialize into reality.