Analog Sky

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Mars Moves into Gemini

Take your shoes off and stay awhile…

Mars enters the sign of Gemini, August 20, 2022, sets up camp and will stay put until March 25, 2023. Whew! Mars will camp out for the entire fall and nearly winter season here in the northern hemisphere. On average, Mars skates through a sign in a near 6 weeks, but now we will encounter the God of War in Gemini for a whole 6 months. This extended stay is due to a period of retrogradation, that on average occurs roughly every two years. Our time is up! We are due for this speedy planet to slow itself down, stir up some trouble in terms of communication, plans and most likely a mental state or two. This retrogradation will begin the day before Halloween, and yes will be present during mid-term elections here in the US. Spooky.

Gemini, ruled by Mercury, is a mutable, masculine, air sign. Mars must answer to Mercury, the landlord of Gemini, who currently is in a strong position in Virgo. Yet Mercury likes to move fast and keep busy, and he is getting ready for his own showdown opposition to Neptune. When Mars hits Gemini, be prepared for your own mental state to get inflamed, prepare your own grounds, and perhaps take up a practice that slows you down. Mars in Gemini will ignite competition, perhaps more mentally. It could aggravate the mind and the social groups you flutter through. It may disrupt technology and commerce. Mars’ fire in a masculine air sign, has great potential to burn out of control.

This morning, a yoga session seemed appropriate, as the planet begins to bound into Gemini’s realm. Feeling restless and ungrounded, it seemed crucial to plant the feet firmly.

I have been feeling the controversial placement building, reminding myself to maybe keep that opinion a little closer to the sealed lips. This is a good reminder, that in the next six months, the temperature will be turned up around our mental states, emotional health may be triggered. Slow the mental processes down, think before you speak, avoid superfluous speech and certainly words that hurt. Now is not the time to throw opinion bombs on the already burning dumpster fire. Be gentle in mind, in speech, in heart.

It is a good time for creative thinking, healthy competitive endeavors, even learning a game like chess would be a great distraction. Mars in Gemini, likes to push the systems, if you are looking to bring change to a stale system, this would be a great initiating point. Mars in Gemini can be quite innovative and courageous, taking big leaps.

During this tranist, tighten up the security around your technological hot points, change your passwords, install better spyware. The ancient’s attributed thievery to both Mars, and Mercury, the two archetypes could stir up some sneaky deceptions.

Avoid too much senseless multi-tasking, but also know that if you need to juggle many projects, the energy will assist with this. Practice mindfulness, you may find yourself suddenly scattered in ten different directions in this air sign, undertaking many pursuits and finishing none.

Find the balance, and this may go back to slowing down with a gentle activity like yoga or meditative walks, an activity that doesn’t further ignite Mars’ heat to expand like wildfire in airy Gemini. Neutralize the explosiveness, and utilize the astro-weather to your advantage in the next 6 months.

I will return to this ongoing transit in the following months, looking at such placements in celebrities charts, and how it is manifesting in our own lives. If you are curious where this is showing up in your own birth chart, reach out and book a consultation. Let us divine.