Analog Sky

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Morning of optimism…

It is June 21, and the morning began with a greet-the-sun run. I had to be quick as first light was already breaking,  I finished a quick cup of coffee, 5 am, the sun was not waiting for anyone. I threw on my running clothes, sneakers, and headlight.  Heading off swiftly, I still had to cover two miles in attempt to get a good vantage point of the rising sun. Headed east, I immediately noticed not the sun, but the moon still high in the morning twilight and the greater benefic, Jupiter, just mere minutes ahead of her. The moon was seeking union with Jupiter on this solstice morning, in the sign of Aries. It would not be long and the luminous queen would kiss the greater benefic. This signature I felt, at the moment I had such gratitude for the morning and the world. Grateful my health is in restoration process after a long bout with a cold, grateful my legs could move me across the twilight streets in an efficient freeing way, grateful that I could meet the moon and the sun on this auspicious morning.  The moon and Jupiter have a way of imparting nourishing abundance, and motherly notions. It can make an individual not only crave these things in their life, but feel the need to extend a warm helping hand, extreme gratitude, and connection to deeper spiritual notions.

The Sun had just entered the zodiac of Cancer, this is always the case. Cancer season marks this solstice point, and though it seems to be a very solar based sign, in reality Cancer is ruled by the moon, and Jupiter is exalted (has great power as well) in Cancer. The moon and Jupiter are both moist planets, and being in rulership in Cancer, at a time where gardens are peaking with growth, and animal life is flourishing, the combination of the Moon and Jupiter is ripe for life to grow.  This is a period of great abundance and nourishing notions.

The Sun was rising, and the Moon was still visible, it seemed to me the two great luminaries were in accord with one another, discussing and agreeing on the hand off of light to come. For now, during the summer season, the Sun would still possess a strong dominating presence, but it would not be long when it will give way to the Queen of the Sky.  She will begin reflecting the Sun’s light increasingly, and the light and the natural world will wane into hibernation. 

I see this period as a really optimistic, sunny point in the astrological weather. There seems be hanging in the air a level of cheerful vitality and an urgent need to grow and nurture creative projects, relationships and hearts. Both of Cancer’s lords are in Aries, a cardinal, fiery sign that likes to get things started and moving. Yet it is up to us, to keep the fires burning. What begins today under the auspice of the summer solstice, will demand attention and monitoring. Today reflect on what is truly calling to your heart, what is that deep emotional voice wishing to manifest? While the sun is high, plant those seeds. There is plenty of light in this growing season left. Harvest time will come though, prepare today so you are nourished in the ever-coming winter.