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Movements of Mercury

Cycles Within Cycles

Mercury entered its home sign of Virgo, Aug 4th, 2022, 2:55 am EST. Virgo is not only the sign where Mercury is in rulership, but also exaltation. No other planet holds these two honors. Mercury will remain in Virgo for most of August. On the 26th it will exit, until then, this is a period where executive functions and organizational skills will flow more easily. You may find greater mental clarity, greater ease in problem-solving, and overall just clearer ability to think and communicate. This could be a time where inventiveness shines through or a newer perspective takes hold.

Since today is the inception of Mercury into Virgo, I wanted to reflect on the strength and weakness of a planet in its exaltation or rulership. Abu Ma’Shar, a famous 9th century astrologer, spoke on this matter . In the text authored by Benjamin Dykes, Abu Ma’Shar: The Great Introduction, Ma’Shar reflects, “For things which have an inception, at the beginning of their inception they are in a [state of] advancement and increase; at their middle they are stronger and the most robust they can be; and at their end they are retreating and weak.” 

What Ma’Shar is alluding to, is that as the exalted planet moves through the degrees, there is a building of strength, a climax, then a slow decline of planetary strength. This almost seems to follow the lunar influence pattern, new moon to balsamic moon, the waxing is a strengthening and the waning is a falling apart or weakening. 

This theory is something to keep in mind for the month of August. If you have any large projects to complete, mental challenges to work through, or just trying to organize your home/life, the early to mid-month of August is ideal. This cycle will peak when Mercury hits it exaltation point at 15 degrees, which will be August 14th. The cycle will then begin its waning phase, I would still conclude Mercury will be an effective task-master to some degree, but it is a good idea to start wrapping up those projects, editing the paper, and making some final notes. 

Mercury will quickly go into a trine with Uranus on the 16th, with Uranus in the superior position of power. This may be a time of unexpected information coming forth demanding perhaps an edit or revision, but perhaps a fortunate change that will serve the matter at hand more successfully.

Mercury will oppose Neptune right at the end of his journey, on Aug 21st. Not only is the very end of his waning cycle, this opposition with Neptune could bring murky thinking, confusion, or at the very least an ungrounding notion.  The very next day Mercury trines Pluto. I would say these couple days are best for mediation and journaling, artistic activities such as painting or pottery. If you are looking for a clear road forward in the mundane world, now is not the time discover such paths. It can bring deeper visions of an emotional quality but the rational, logical Virgo nature will be obscured by darker more cavernous mental processes. This period reflects the mutable side of Mercury, serving the psychopomp aspect, one who is good for diving into the liminal worlds. Perhaps that is what you may be looking for after the extended stay in analytical Virgo, a dreamy escape into the netherworlds, one of imagination and numinous cross-roads. 

Use this month for greater problem solving, creating, writing, working with your hands. Let me know how Mercury shows up in your life. Do you sense the inner planetary cycle?