Analog Sky

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Necessary Weight of Saturn

Where Saturn drops anchor in our own natal chart, is a call to dive and anchor deeper into our own unconscious realms.

I have been associating Saturn with an anchor. A heavy, iron weight that wherever it drops in the zodiacal wheel, it has the intention and certainly the power to create a very resonant drag through time. 

Saturn is associated with time, both linear and qualitative, further attributing it to the decay of all things material and immaterial. The Greeks had two ways of viewing time, chronos and kairos. Chronos, linear time, is associated with Father Time, Saturn. Kairos is associated with the right time to act, and has a more qualitative nature, and has been associated with the Greek deity Caerus overseeing luck and opportunity. The inception point of any creative act (life, project, relationship) calls in Saturn. Stepping into the background, silently breathing death into the timeline. Saturn just doesn’t take generative light, but in return, he reveals timeless truths such as patience, gratitude, perseverance, integrity, responsibility and humility. The Saturn return we experience in life (whether it is the first, second, and for the few a third return) attempts to unearth such lessons in each of us. Saturn meets us on the linear path of our life, and asks us to insert deeper qualitative measures that enrich our own soul’s journey. One can view our dance with Saturn as a conversation between chronos and kairos.

Back to the anchor analogy, we all have Saturn in our natal chart. This space Saturn occupies in our wheel may create a drag in our own life. This may be an area that we feel at times isolated from, maybe attempting to create deeper connection. For example, Saturn in the 7th house of others and partnership, we may experience real issues with intimacy and partnership, and this may be an ongoing area that calls for constant focus and attention. Yet this may also be the one area that provides the biggest breakthrough within our own soul, learning to not only be in relationship with another more effortlessly, but also being in a more harmonious relationship with our own self. Saturn will often call us back into our self, and ask us to look more intensely internally. Saturn will do this by isolating us, and walling us off from other’s assistance. Saturn’s lessons are often to create a deeper sense of self-awareness, and yet also reconnects us to the greater consciousness of the world. 

When the anchor of Chronos drops down in our life, it digs in, carves out a rut, slows everything down. You may even ask, as you tread in your own rut, will this ever change? The answer is yes, but it requires a sacrifice of time and a willingness for complete honesty.

Saturn moves through the sky collectively, and currently Saturn has dropped anchor in Pisces. Pisces is boundless water, dark water. Pisces is associated with the spirit and the soul, the unconscious realms. Saturn joins Neptune, who is also associated with the spirit, the ethereal realms, and even illusions. Neptune’s glyph even resembles an upside down anchor. These mystical seas are so wide and vast, and may have numerous sea creatures lurking in the great leagues. Running an anchor alongside of Saturn and Neptune, is asking us to explore these dark waters, to hover in intolerable depths and confront chilling sea monsters.  Saturn asks us to trust diving in head first. The weight of Saturn’s anchor doesn’t just slow us down but creates a life line to anchor to.

Pisces is symbolized by two fish swimming in two directions, conscious and unconscious waters. What binds the two fish together is a ribbon, it anchors them to one another. Consider the ribbon Saturn, anchoring the two fish together. Uniting our conscious and unconscious state into wholeness. 

Saturn’s time through Pisces, along with Neptune, is a call to explore your own dark waters. Where is Pisces in your natal chart? This area is asking for honest and slow consideration. Returning to the 7th house example, if Saturn is currently transiting your marriage or partnership house there may be a turning of tides within a marriage or business relationship. Saturn is asking for this partnership to evolve and mature in some way. It may show up at times as an emotional isolation or very real physical separation, yet this walling off of the individual may provide the space needed to see what the call to action is. How does ones own actions keep the relationship from linear and qualitative growth?

The Greeks associated kairos with archery, how much force is needed for the arrow to reach the target. How we act in the moment is often more important than just passing with the moment.  We often confuse the turning of the calendar as our only growth in life, we cannot mistake our own grey hairs for wisdom. If we do not slow our self down from time to time, allow that anchor to create the drag, we miss the point, the arrow misses the bullseye, we confuse the reason for the turning of time. Saturn in Pisces assists us to dive into our own soul’s vast ocean and retrieve the lessons and the reason for our actions on this spinning wheel of time.