Analog Sky

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New Moon in Leo

Solar King and Lunar Queen briefly return to one another…

July 28th, New Moon in Leo, brings both luminaries to this solar-led sign. The Sun has rulership in Leo, currently the Moon Queen joins the Sun King in this fixed-fire sign. Mercury is also co-present with the royal luminaries.  A declaration may be made this week, one of bold intent and even a courageous undertaking. This is a hot week for astrological weather, being that the New Moon is in a fire sign, but also Jupiter is still in Aries (another fire sign) and is aspecting Leo by a trine. Jupiter will not only increase the heat, but Jupiter is stationing to turn retrograde. We may have loud, fiery, bold proclamations, but the action behind it may be incur a roadblock that halts our speedy cadence. 

One other very notable transit in the sky that is also aspecting this new moon by a square (which is a fiery Martian aspect) is Mars and Uranus. These two planets are closely approaching a conjunction in Taurus, both hitting the ecliptic north node.  This square aspect of two planets known to upheave and toss the plan out the window, may have more influence over this New Moon phase than we would like. Know that whatever you set out to do this week, whatever grand plans that you design, may get inflamed. 

I laugh as I write this, I set my own personal plans in motion on this new moon morning, despite knowing what may lie ahead. I have been a consistent runner for two decades, and in the last ten years, I have been a dedicated long-distance runner. These last six months, my focus has changed and my weekly mileage has dwindled into half of my normal output. I have felt more passion for my new projects, and this has dimmed my focus on running. This is neither good or bad, just different and I have been oddly really accepting of it. Yet I have noticed in the last month, my legs feel heavier, my times are significantly slower, and the runs just not as enjoyable. This morning I decided I would sprinkle in a weekly speed session and one longer distance run weekly, sole intention to keep my lungs and legs strong. I did my first speed session this morning, it felt good and hard. This intention is important to me, my energy, and how I move through life. I make this declaration to myself under the hot new moon of Leo, it does not escape me that these plans may be thwarted or inflamed, literally. I still plant these seeds, and I will be weary and curious as Mercury, the planet given to sports and competition hits my natal Saturn and opposes transiting Saturn. It is my own astrological litmus test. I may have to have a different conversation with myself in the next week, for now I move forward with this small, personal goal.

A Leo New Moon can make us more personally focused, it is still important to keep the ego in check, especially with all this fire surrounding us. Be gentle with your body, mind and heart this coming month. Remember to add water and fluid flexibility.