Analog Sky

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New Moon in Libra

Seeking balanceā€¦

Yesterday evening, the New Moon perfected at the very early degrees of Libra, lending it to an opposition to Jupiter in Aries. At the same time, a retrograde Mercury was working towards a conjunction with a fallen Venus in Virgo.

In terms of astrological weather, this is a very potent New Moon. Themes of what is right, fair and just will be on the table for conversation. There may be inner tendencies to push back in areas of your life where you feel imbalanced, taken advantage of, or neglected. 

This cycle may just usher in the conversations that need to begin push the scales back to a point of balance. The New Moon is focused around the observation and the inner nudge to do something different, change something that is no longer serving, and outline the map ahead. Once the First Quarter Moon in Capricorn hits October 2nd, the action is ready to be implemented.

Venus the ruler of this New Moon, is in secret conversation with Mercury in Virgo currently. There are hushed whispers about what is unsettling and in need of repair. Venus is still in her fall in her Virgo. She remains hidden, relying on the ruler Mercury to quietly absorb her concerns and allow it to swim through the ethers until she moves back into power. Venus moves back into her temple, Libra, at the same point Mercury begins his movement forward.  Retrograde Mercury, has just gained some strength being back in his temple of Virgo, will soon station and turn direct. The stationing itself may spin your wheels for a moment, but once moving forward with some speed, coinciding with the moon hitting its first quarter phase October 2nd, the conversation will be easier and smoother. 

This next week is about observing and making plans for balanced change. October 2nd and forward, engaging real action to manifest that change will surface. 

The areas in your life where you will be feeling this will depend on your own birth chart and rising sign. 

Unsure of what that looks like, reach out to me and I will walk you through your chart. Together we will map the stars to orient your soul.