Analog Sky

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Paradox of Virgo

Virgo Season: Growth & Harvest

I want to hold on. Freeze time. Stop the Sun from slipping away. Yet every day gets shorter. Each evening comes a little earlier, and stays a little longer. Aware of the seasonal cusp that keeps my mind divided, restless, I silently weep already for the slipping away of summer. Yet I cannot hold on, knowing this is the natural progression of linear time. 

As a life-long midwesterner, I believe our bodies have naturally tuned into the turning of the seasons, and we can feel the change coming early on a cellular level. We respond with a giddiness of an extroverted spirit that rises in tune with the Sun in spring. We are pulled forth by a weighted internal anchor into a more reflective introverted life when the days get cooler. Instinctively, we respond like sunflowers guided by the solar luminary.

Virgo Season is the call to our inner anchor. Dry, mutable, earth. Virgo hosts the turning of summer, and in turn our own quieting of spirit. Within her season we see bounty of the earth, but also the harvest. We still feel the heat of the dry pulsing Sun, and yet know even this fading fast. Virgo possesses a paradox. This is the haunt of Virgo placements, wanting to expand and contract all at the same time, often creating a very real anxiety. Full of life and aware of death.

Today as Virgo season kicked off, I deadheaded my garden. I harvested tomatoes that were close to falling off the vine. I hung herbs to dry for winter months. There will be more growth, but there will be a limit where the Sun just cannot push forth anymore productive energy. Virgo season teaches us to not hold on too tightly and not to lose sight of the natural progression of life and death. Virgo season teaches us to be engaged in the present and prepare for the future. We cannot stranglehold a growth or death cycle, but accept the passing of time. If we grasp too tightly to any phase of our life, whether it be the maiden, the mother or the crone, we miss the lessons and the beauty each stage possesses. We must be in continuous flow, moving like exalted Mercury with grace and ease, gliding through bountiful and barren earth, navigating all threshholds with honest reflection.