Personal Grail Lunation
A New Moon in Aquarius is forming in the sky, and I am feeling it, and you should too. The Aquarius sector is reverberating with underground activity, similar to tectonic plates that are shifting. Maybe you felt a noticeable jolt here and there to your waking life, nudging you towards a personal intimacy of self-knowledge. Yet pinning it down is certainly a perplexing act. The movement is subtle, it is subterranean, it is powerful.
The New Moon perfects at 9° Aquarius on January 29th, but before the lunar queen dances with her solar king, she first passes through all the sensitive points of early Aquarius. The Moon will touch first the zero point of Aquarius Wednesday afternoon, still feeling the dizzy speed of Mercury who has just zipped by. Zero degrees, possessing all possibilities. The beginning, the ending, the infinite, and simliar to a New Moon, a shadow cast in the Sun.
Covert Planetary Triptych
The Moon and Mercury congregate right next to Pluto at 1° Aquarius.
Queen Luna, Hermes the psychopomp, and Lord Hades of the underworld, covertly gather, discussing hidden agendas, private dreams, corrosive behavior, and potential power plays. All three of these planets are associated with hidden spaces, liminal thresholds, yawning caverns of immeasurable realities. All three are setting the agenda and will present this to the Sun King. A numinous planetary triptych hosting your personal grail.
The Aquarius New Moon, is the first lunation since Pluto claimed the Aquarian sector for keeps. This begins to forecast the road ahead in the sign of the water-bearer. The water-bearer, Aquarius’ mascot, is the keeper of life’s nectar here on earth. From his vessel, he pours forth enlightment and this New Moon is partaking in this act of new knowledge and new vision.
Here in Aquarius, Hades will begin his remodel, one focused around bringing in more innovative and forward-thinking approaches. Plowing personal sacred fields of ideas and philosophies, and either turning the soil to enriched it further or germinating new ideas all together with fresh direction. Pluto will trudge slowly through Aquarius until 2043. In powerful Pluto fashion, he will cast reflective shadows prompting us to reflect on our own personal shadows, at times he will violently thrash, creating bouts of discomfort. He will also reveal troves of ample riches, if we decipher the treasure map properly. How it personally will treat you, will be chart dependant, as always.
Pluto’s time in Aquarius can connect you personally to a greater collective movement, it can move your own future forward into a more meaningful direction, seizing on the deeper echoes of your soul’s wishes, your personal holy grail. This is a potential upgrade to all systems.
This week as the planets gather in a collective hush, whispering, plotting, planning for the great work of Hades in Aquarius, this New Moon sets your own inner-wheels in motion. This is a behind-the-scenes lunation, one that you may certainly feel bubbling in the unconscious and percolating on the outer edges of your reality. It can be calling out and connecting to the Gemini house in your own chart, as Jupiter makes a pleasant connection to both of the luminaries. This is a gracious and spirited act of Jupiter, blessing the seeds of your great work.
The speed of current events is breakneck, and it can rock the average mind into a state of sea-sickness if you attempt to connect to it all. This New Moon asks you to retreat into the outer edges of society this week, idle in neutral and tune in to the unconscious? Can you hear it calling out to you? These are unintentional buried dreams, gold-drenched wishes, grail-size yearnings. They will demand equally urgent sacrfices to complete the task, and this will ultimately call on your own sense of being YOU! The water-bearer of Aquarius is pouring forth regenerative waters to upgrade the system, will you drink from this grail?
If you would like further reading on Pluto in Aquarius, connect here to it’s very first preview in 2023. If you are curious where Aquarius is in your own chart, connect with me for a natal reading. Together we will navigate the stars to orient your life.