Analog Sky

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Pisces New Moon

The Pisces New Moon profects at 20 degrees on March 10th at 4:01 am est. The New Moon is caught in between Saturn at 11 degrees Pisces and Neptune at 27 degrees Pisces. This juxtaposition between Saturn the Realist and Neptune the Dreamer, has both Piscean fish swimming in two directions. I like this for Pisces, a mutable water sign that sits between winter and spring, dark and light, this is a familiar place for the slippery fish. The cord that binds the two keeps them in check from swimming too far into one direction, and I feel like this particular lunation is a reality check, or a grounding point to our bigger dreams and plans.

New Moons are symbolic for new cycles to transpire. This lunar phase visually is wholly dark, slowly the moon gathers the Sun’s light and will grow in abundance, and so too will our own intentions begin to manifest real structure.

This particular Moon phase asks us to reflect on our bigger dreams, our goals, and to make sure we add a dose of grounding reality to it. Can we provide the proper structure for this dream to grow?

Saturn and Neptune bookend this lunation, asking us to be realistic and provide proper structure around our dreams and goals.

I have begun indoors, my spring seeds for tomatoes. I have set up their containers with the proper seeding soil, pulled out the grow lights, been feeding them just enough moisture, all of this is to ensure adequate structure for their summer future. 

This too is this New Moon. I have eager dreams of other crops and my spring fever is pushing the mercury, but I hold myself back, the timing is wrong. I put those Piscean dreams on the shelf for a later date, watching the calendar in relation to the last frost. 

Saturn and Neptune bookend this lunation, asking us to be realistic and provide proper structure around our dreams and goals. Saturn is the last frost, and Neptune is the dream, this New Moon asks for hopeful planning but also adequate boundaries and timing to ensure abundant growth. 

The next two lunations we receive will be a lunar and solar eclipse respectively. Enjoy this last nodal-free syzygy, eclipse season is not without its dramatics.