Ross Ulbricht
A case study of Saturn and the 12th house, two conditions of any natal chart that suggest the capacity of isolation and alienation, which could include sickness, illness, hospitals, prisons and incarceration. Saturn is the planet attributed to isolation and constriction, and the hands of time moving towards the lessening of life and closer to death. The 12th house, in its harshest light (or shadow) is also associated with alienation and isolation, including blindspots in our lives that create personal shadows and constrictions that could divorce us from the collective experience.
October 1, 2013, Saturn and the North Node were conjunct and moving into striking distance of his natal Saturn at 15° Scorpio in the 9th house, often attributed to the legal systems and courts. This was the day Ross Ulbricht was arrested for illegal operations of a dark-net market, similar to E-Bay, which allowed for users to sell illegal drugs such as marijuana and narcotics. Ross Ulbricht was the founder and operator of the dark-net market website Silk Road, that operated from 2011 to 2013. Silk Road allowed users to buy illegal drug (amongst other transactions) rate the dealers, and safely transact with full consensual agreement.
Saturn is the ruler of Ross’ Aquarian 12th house, which is often ascribed to places of isolation, like prison. Ross’ natal Moon, which was receiving an exact square from transiting Saturn, resides at 11° Aquarius. Aquarius is connected to technology and the black sheep of society. The Moon in Aquarius in the 12th house is not only suggestive of a native experiencing a casting out of from the throes of society, but being explicity linked to crimes of the internet. The natal Pluto presence in the 9th house also colors the crime of underground activity.
The Moon in the 12th house natally, suggests a life that will experience emotional or physical isolation, on one end of the spectrum this could appear as a hermit who enjoys retreating from society, but at the extreme other end, could suggest incarceration or maybe a life of illness that keeps the native from full participation of collective life. Ross’ natal Saturn in a superior square aspect casting rays from a house associated with courts, higher learning and spirtuality, certainly suggests that Ross would endure some sense of personal isolation in his life. In perfect promise of a Saturn return, which famously doles out challenging life lessons, the heavy hand of the law was heaving down upon his life.
On February 4, 2014, the transiting Sun was hovering over his 12th house Moon, receiving that superior Saturn square, suggesting a new Moon phase of personal alienation.Pluto was exactly conjunct his natal Jupiter, his Ascendant ruler, and the ruler of his 10th house of personal reputation. Jupiter, the judge, is associated with courts and laws as well. Jupiter paired with Pluto’s heavy shovel dug up multiple charges, including; the conspiracy to commit money laundering and computer hacking, and more seriously engaging a criminal enterprise, including the sales of narcotics on the dark web.
On February 4, 2015, one year later from the arrest, Ross was sentenced to double life imprisonment plus 40 years, without the possibility of parole. He was also ordered to pay $183 million in restitution. Again the transiting Sun was directly over his natal Moon, receiving the Saturn square, but this time Jupiter, the dealer of justice was tied up in a Leo full Moon lunation, exactly opposite his 12th house. The Full Moon was now ready to declare the sentence, all the evidence was laid out and the crimes were to be charged. Saturn was now transiting his 10th house public sphere and squaring his Ascendant degree, suggesting his public access and personal presence was experiencing real walls of constriction.
Possible Pardon?
Ross has been imprisoned since 2013, and many people, and most intensely the Libertarian circles, have argued that a life sentence for a first time, nonviolent drug offender is too extreme. Many violent drug offenders get a lesser sentence, including parole. Ross has been a standup inmate, and if you follow his social media threads on X, you can see that his own outlook has been one based in hope, optimism, and gratitude.
Often Saturn returns have a way of delivering beautiful human condition lessons if we have the ears to hear. The Saturn return in Scorpio, a sign often associated with intense wells of emotional intelligence, seems to suggest that Ross not only has endured like a tough, solid, Scorpion, but has brought in extremely insightful perspectives of his time in prison. His spirit has grown in maturity and he often finds beauty in the smallest things like eating fresh mango or spending time with a dog, something he has been deprived of. The little things we take for granted in our own daily life, ring with a poetic emotional intensity when we have been actively deprived of it for over a decade. He has organized and tutored inmates, hoping to make personal small differences for him and other prisoners.
Great defenders and proponents of Ross Ulbrichts release have included 2020 Libertarian Party candidate Jo Jorgensen, Libertarian Republican Congressman Thomas Massie, Robert F. Kennedy who made a promise to pardon Ulbricht if elected in 2024, and now President Donald Trump also made that promise on the campaign trail.
As I type this, January 21, the day after President Trump has assumed office, the world awaits Ross’ release. Rumor has it, he will in the next 24 hours.
We must ask what is Saturn currently doing in his chart, since Saturn has spoken so loud throughout the whole saga. Saturn is in his first house receiving a natal Saturn trine, which is a good omen. Trines are the nature of Jupiter, and can bring great ease to a challenging situation. Saturn is also conjunct his natal Venus in the 1st house, meanwhile Venus is also making her natal Venus return. All of this is greatly auspicious.
Venus is in his 1st house of Pisces has a great influence to create compassion and an ability to build bridges. Venus is receiving a trine from his natal Saturn in the 9th house, so we can see a path of freedom in his chart. It is also important to note that natally he has a Venus and Saturn trine, so there is the natal promise of this working out this week. This is also his in-sect benefic, strengthening Venus even more.
Should also be noted that the Sun and Pluto meet in his 12th house, squaring his own natal Pluto in the 9th house. The transiting Moon is also about to enter Scorpio. All of this suggests a very large spotlight around his criminal case and the lifting and release of his criminal sentence.
Will Trump pardon Ross? I think it is a resounding astrological YES! Will update as story unfolds.