Analog Sky

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Shifting Waters

Rebirth & Reestablishment

February 27th and the 28th, both Mercury and Saturn die off at nearly the same speed and both are reborn on the 28th, just hours apart. This is all happening in the sign of Pisces, mutable water. Pisces, being a double-bodied sign, is attributed to holding the tension of the seasons, both darkness of winter and the light of spring. I liken the string that connects the two Piscean fish as the lord of this zodiacal sign, Jupiter, the planet of hope, optimism, good will and fortune. The cord never lets the fish swim too far in either direction. When the world becomes too dark, the one fish swims too deep in the abyss, the twin, who swims towards the light, towards optimism, yanks the spirit back into the land of the living.

Both Saturn and Mercury are swimming in the darker waters, the underworld. On Feb 28th, they will each get pulled out of Hades, encouraged by the cord that binds, and respectively enter the heart of the Pisces Sun. 

Shifting waters. 

I sat last night on an unseasonably warm winter’s eve and watched the sunset over a partially frozen lake. In front of me the waters lapped in the warmth of the setting sun, and to the south, cooler, icier waters haunted the distance. Both forms of water, solid ice and boundless lake, spoke of the nature of Pisces, possessing the tautness of winter and spring. 

This afternoon, on another unseasonably, but breezy winter day, the ice that had haunted me last eve now had reached the same shore where once easy flowing water stood.

Shifting waters.

Now Saturn and Mercury are both present, Saturn’s stay much longer, much more noticeable due to his sluggish speed. I have written extensively on Saturn’s long stay in Pisces that began last spring, but one thing I have noticed in this last year is his ability to slow us down in the sector of our chart where Pisces lives and really circumambulate the key issues of the house. What once I thought was solid ground, has been uplifted and asked from me a reapproach. It hasn’t been easy. I have at times had to stop all together what I am doing and just rest, pray, and wait. A reappraisal was under way.

This week, as Saturn and Mercury have been burning under the Sun’s rays, I have felt the shifting waters. Now taking in consideration that my own natal Moon lives in Pisces, an active angular house, and my current time lord is Mercury I may be feeling this more substantially. What once was stuck is gaining movement. It all started flowing at the same time. Latent communication arrived all at once from many angles, personal relationships healing where prayers were once placed, clients just flowing in. Now it is not that I have been completley inert, but I have been asked to slow way down, regain perspective, and be consistent with a new approach, to many things. Both Saturn and Mercury dragged me into some quieter places, unknown shadow lands, shores that were uninhabited. I’ve been called to rewire my vision, and with my updated prescription, I have found spirits to share these new found shores.

Shifting waters.

I had to stop today, staring at the shifting waters on the lake and remind myself, no matter how static life may seem, the waters truly are always moving. The cord of the fish pulls me back into the light, I type this on my back deck in the 70-degree sunshine, grateful for the wintering of my soul. I know the tides will turn again, we may even get snow tomorrow, and that too is okay. Right now, I feel spring rising in me, I feel ready to reemerge and reestablish along with the planets Saturn and Mercury.

If you would like further introspection on this week’s transits, connect with my last astrological muse, as well as a reflection on Saturn’s time in Pisces here