Analog Sky

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The Coup Of The Sun

Taurus has been place of great astrological activity for the year, the Jupiter and Uranus conjunction was a big firework in many individual lives and the collective as a whole. Uranus and Jupiter are still working out the details of the revolution, as they slowly separate. The New Moon on the 7th was a further activation of this seeding point, encouraging us to seek perhaps personal freedom and a greater focus on the interior of our life. The April conjunction and the New Moon are both beginnings of a new cycle, and the fact that they follow one another so closely, is important to track. Another new cycle is also occurring in the Taurus house, the Sun will conjoin Uranus on Monday, May 13th. This transit is slowly forming, which makes the archetypal energy ever present.

The Sun and Uranus syncing up is again a planetary reset, like a New Moon, this is a rebirth. Here we may further feel not only the stirring revolution swirling in our interior, but we may instinctually and impulsively be kinetically driven towards personal change. 

Let us again review each planet, the Sun and Uranus.

The Sun is our guiding luminary in the sky, it measures the calendar year, is consistent, never changes speed nor reverses. In astrology, we look to the sun to find our core essence, our ego, where we are actively driven to explore and express in this lifetime. 

Uranus is associated with sudden change, a break from status quo, quick movement in an unlikely direction, a revolution. Uranus is associated with Prometheus, who stole fire from the Olympian Gods and brought it down to humanity as a gift of technology. Prometheus has also been associated with creating humanity from nothing but clay. Uranus activation in our own life can show up as a complete turnabout of the structures at hand, and a revolution to create and bring forth something new, transformational, sudden, and revolutionary.

Uranus, like the Sun, is an impulse. The Sun’s impulse is consistent like a heart beat, each day it impels us to move our lives towards a specific goal. Uranus, is more accuratelly related to the etymology of the word “impulse”.  Originating from the Latin word, impellere, “Strike against, push against.”

Uranus is pushing against the Sun, striking it with an uprising energy that can shift our path in unexpected ways. Uranus pressing on the Sun is like a personal coup, overthrowing status quo and liberating our individuation. 

The Sun and Uranus conjunct can illuminate change, test the strength of our ego, and ask us to step further into our individuation. Uranus is in the Sun’s chariot at this time, this is a cazimi moment for Uranus, but the unbridled power of Uranus can empower the Sun.

Uranus is similar to the lighting bolt striking the tower. Out of nowhere, change rains down, throwing our world into chaos. Is it heavenly intervention pushing us towards a more directed and purposed path?

Two tarot cards that that invoke this transit are the Tower and the Chariot. The tower and its divine Uranain lighting bolts are invoking sudden and swift change, but change that beckons from above. The Chariot seeks to reorient our individuality.

In the Chariot, we are stepping into our own power and steering our personal development and goals. Although the Chariot and the Sun provides a structure of protection, the wand of creation is in our hand. This is our personal libido, our creative force that directs the energy in our life. Uranus pushes us out of our comfort zone, and asks us to explore the channels we are afraid to traverse along our own Sun’s path. Yet the Tower also warns us of our own hubris and flying too close to the Sun. As the Sun moves on, the Chariot no longer provides the protection it once did. We must observe our distance, and not get to far ahead of ourself.

This is no doubt a continuous thread that began last month at the Jupiter*Uranus conjunction. There is one big rebirth occuring in our Taurus sector. We continue stepping out of the darkness of the newness of all these planetary cycles, and as we gather back our light, we will begin to carve out a clearer path forward. Yet we must grab the reigns and ride!

Where is your Taurus house in your chart? What is being provoked, stirred, reborn? Connect with me for a personal astrological consultation, together we will navigate the stars to orient your soul.