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The Psychopomp and God of the Underworld…

June 10th it perfects at 28 degrees.

The ancient Greeks referred to Mercury as Hermes, the winged messenger of Zeus. He was seen as a psychopomp, with the ability to dive between world of the living and the underworld. Having the ability to communicate with what we cannot see with our five senses, and then emerge again with greater knowledge and wisdom unto the mundane realm.  The ancient Egyptians credit the patron, Hermes Trismegistus, as the founder of science, mathematics, alchemy, astrology and medicine. He is thought to be a hybrid of the Egyptian God Thoth of Wisdom and the Greek God Hermes. In astrology, Mercury has rulership in Gemini and Virgo. Mercury has influence over communication, technology, mathematics, language, mental activity, travel and commerce.  

Pluto, named after Hades in Greek myth, embodies the darker god of the underworld. Pluto, translated as great riches, symbolizes an intense depth and power, with the ability to push one to profound change and reveal hidden treasures. Pluto shows up in cycles of death and rebirth, transformation and renewal. Pluto transits can have deep impacts that are viewed as metamorphic in nature, usually creating a crisis moment that forces us to face the shadowy psychological nature within.  Wading in a Pluto transit can be uncomfortable, yet can result in greater emotional riches and evolution when earnestly engaged.

Mercury has been moving towards a trine with Pluto. The trine aspect is a harmonizing, easy aspect. Unlike squares and oppositions that tend to bring conflict, a trine seeks conflict resolution. Trines are considered to be the nature of Jupiter, which can bring wisdom, truth and expansion of the mind and heart. With Mercury and Pluto meeting in a friendly aspect, it is no surprise to be experiencing deep philosophical thought patterns, intense vivid dreams, attraction to occult matters and conflict resolution to our own shadows we may be struggling with.

I began to really feel this transit yesterday morning, showing up as very long, intimate session with my journal, my tarot deck and a conversation with my father who passed away last fall. It was an unexpected and profound session we had, both of us communicating through the deck. I walked away with a greater sense of calm and reassurance that he still seeks to support me from the other side.  I was not necessarily seeking this, but it was coming through, nonetheless.  Mercury trining Pluto, a hidden message brought forth through the oracle.

This transit will be felt over the weekend, and like Mercury, it is fast moving and eventually will wane as Mercury moves into its home sign of Gemini on Monday, June 13.  Until then, expect your dreams and thoughts to have a greater depth and intensity. Perhaps if you have been doing heavier shadow work, you will experience a breakthrough, or something will be uncovered that you just couldn’t see prior.  Maybe it even shows up as a loved one who has moved on, appearing to you with a message from beyond.  

The psychopomp is traversing the underworld with ease, only the gods know what will be brought back to the surface.