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The Retreat of Hermes

Mercury [Hermes]. Wood engraving by Paul Jonnard, 1866

Mercury, Hermes, is best known as being a scribe to the gods, founder of astronomy, music, systems of measurement and the alphabet, to name a few of the many. He is the planet associated with communication and intellect. Hermes, also has a reputation of being a trickster, with his earliest antics stealing Apollos cattle as a newborn infant. He is fast-footed, and depicted wearing winged sandals, and as a planet, it is the swiftest moving planet after the luminaries. Mercury is the one planet that retrogrades the most, up to four times a year. When Mercury retrogrades, his winged sandals seemed to be leadened, and he slows down significantly, causing delays in his planetary promises of communication, thought processes seem muddied, technology has interruptions, and revision of ideas and agreements can be reversed. 

Mercury, the trickster God, tricks us all on April Fool’s Day, stationing retrograde, possibly halting our own communication, delaying contracts, scrambling our technology, and revising our plans. Like any good prank, the retrograde can bring frustration and uncertainty.

Mercury in Aries may present as a fast-talker and a fast-thinker, whether showing up as the snake oil salesman or the fiery orator, Aries lends extra speed and fire to this already jacked planet. Mercury in Aries loves to debate, and is always trying to initiate change. This is a cardinal fire sign and decisions made in this sign may be first based on intuition with fact as a second consideration. Be wary of any decision-making you are mulling over at this time, gather the facts first and attempt to see all angles. This Mercury retrograde may have its own tricks up its sleeve, ulitmately leading to frustration, changing your mind, and switching direction.

These first couple weeks in April we may find ourself engaged more in heated debate, but we may also be finding our own mind opened and malleable as the god of communication retreats through Aries. 

This stationing, slowing down of Hermes, also occurs at 27 degrees in Aries, and his shadow degrees correspond to the North Node’s current position at 15 degrees. Mercury will be in striking distance of the total solar eclipse on April 8th, activating and highlighting Mercury’s role in this coming occultation of the Sun and Moon. 

The dial in April is being cranked on high between the total solar eclipse on the 8th, Mars and Saturn sitting down for a serious meeting on the 10th, and the electric conjunction of Jupiter and Uranus in Taurus on April 20th. I will post soon on these dynamic aspects forming in the heavens, for now keep an open mind and a disciplined tongue. The plates are certainly shifting.

Are you curious how these transits are hitting your own natal chart and will manifest in your life? Connect with me, together we will navigate the stars to orient your soul.