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Venus Square Uranus

Venus in Leo squares Uranus in Taurus three times as she resides in lion’s den. The triptych transit askes us to look at this as one complete story, with three seperate acts. We can look at this triple square sequence as an unfolding of Venus’ story in Leo and especially Venus’ retrograde. The first square on July 2nd could possibly set the stage to an ongoing story that will last for the entire summer, wrapping up by end of September. 

Act I, happens Sunday, July 2nd. Venus will turn retrograde on July 22 and through its retrograde, Act II occurs on August 9th, and when Venus returns to direct motion, it will square Uranus one final time for Act III, September 29.

Let us first begin with what each planet symbolizes. 

Venus is love and cohesion, creative impulses and creation, art, beauty and pleasure. Venus seeks unification, passion, proliferation of pleasing measures. Venus points to intimate relationships, interpersonal communication, and women in a general sense.

Uranus can represent a revolution, a rebirth, a breakthrough. Uranus symbolizes freedom, independence, an evolution. The planet is known to shake foundations, push forward new technology, concepts, and ideas. Uranus influences emerging technology, inventions, and energy.

The square aspect creates friction, tension, and even hints at possible separation. It is the square aspect that helps stimulate growth through aggravation and even inciting a breakdown that allows for more stable rebuilding. Paired with the Venus retrograde, that will endure 40 days and 40 nights, any challenges that may come up have the opportunity to go through a breakdown and build up process. Jupiter is also present, and has his own triple-square saga with Venus, which is a positive omen for healing resolution. With this longer narrative in mind let us look at how it may show up in your life.

Venus and Uranus meeting through a square aspect, can have us analyzing topics of self-worth, personal value, and how we show up in relationships. We may be asking ourself, do we deserve more, do we feel fulfilled, or are we giving enough of ourself to someone or something? The unfolding of this transit paired with the Venus retrograde, dynamics around love and intimate social relationships may consume many lives, chart dependent. Social cohesion may be fractured, and sudden arguments and misunderstandings can surface. Those in relationships may feel an upsurge in suffocation and may experience a sudden urge to break free, seeking quick escape. Affairs are also not uncommon.

Remember anything that surfaces now, is the beginning narrative to a more nuanced account. This 3-part play has the real lasting potential for liberation and freedom from the darker shadows that keep us locked into patterened relationships, co-dependence, and internal patterns that keep us from feeling truely loved or valued.

In matters of art and creativity, possible creative breakthrough is very likely at this time. Maybe a new idea is generated, a project begins at this point that will build and transform over the next few months. Pushing creative boundaries into unknown territory may stimulate fresh perspective and unlikely muses may surface.

If I were to reflect on this transit in my own life, a reoccuring theme that is pushing through is the concept of the divine feminine and its role in my own life. Natally, I am experiencing a Venus return in Leo in my 12H, the house of the unconscious and shadows. Uranus is in my 9th house of higher learning and philosophy. I am currently reading three books all revolving around historical mystical women who have been in contact with the divine in very monumental ways and were oppressed for their practices.

The Uranus square may bring breakthroughs and revelations around personal philosophy and concepts, and how I integrate the archetype of the divine feminine into my own life in a conscious state. I can see this first square aspect setting the stage for a much deeper narrative this summer in regards to my own personal relationship with the divine feminine and integration. Merging the sacred aspect of the feminine archetype into personal relationships there are already odd synchronicities showing up in this realm that I will keep one eye on.

How Venus*Uranus square shows up in your life truly depends on which houses are being activated. If you are uncertain how these two archetypes are dynamically playing out in your own life, and where it is leading you, reach out for a private birth chart consultation. Together, we will navigate the stars to orient your life.