Analog Sky

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Moon-day Musings 8.21.23

An array of transits dance across the sky this week, including Venus taking her place as a morning star and squaring Jupiter, Virgo season kicks off with the ruler, Mercury, stationing retrograde and co-present to Mars’ opposition with Neptune. The week closes with a First Quarter Moon at 0 degrees of Sagittarius.

Again as a reminder, we must look at the big picture overall and not just one or two transits to gleam the whole story. The planets, the old gods, are telling a story, conversing with one another and are transmitting these conversations down into our individual and collective lives. These transits are also chart dependent when seeking how it will affect you on a more intimate, personal level.

Let us first recognize the changing of seasons, not just the closing out of summer, the final dog days laying down to rest there weary sun soaked bones, but this week also brings us Virgo season on the 23rd. The Virgo house in all of our charts is very active and alive right now. The light intensifies in the Northern Hemisphere when it is out to play, but goes to bed much earlier these days. This intensification is accompianed by a nervous, internal clock knowing the darkness is gaining strength, crops are peaking and will soon be harvested, and colder, darker days await all of us northern creatures.

Mercury, the empowered ruler of Virgo, the only planet to claim both domicile rulership and exaltation, is currently stationing to turn retrograde in this sign. This particular retrograde is insulated by many of the sterotypical harms we attribute, since Mercury is in his own enshrined sanctuary. This is a positive attribute. Yet it should always be stressed that it is the stationing dates of any planet that is undergoing retrograde motion that will emit the strongest influences. For this particular retrograde of Mercury, these dates revolve around August 21 through the 28th and again around September 11 through the 18th when it stations to turn direct. The stationing phase slows the planet down by degree and is perceived to not be moving, spinning its wheels, ineffective, and this may be how you feel through these periods. Challenged with accomplishing tasks, gaining traction on projects, communicative misunderstandings, misbehaving technology, a revision of strategic plans. The sense of urgency Virgo season can impart may feel heightened, but the rational, strategic tools may be hard to access.

As Virgo season kicks off on the 23rd, Mercury turns retrograde and will remain in a state of revision until Sept 15th, and after the 18th, Mercury begins to gain forward momentum, finishing strong in his home temple. 

Before we turn ourselves more inward in Virgo season, as the light dramatically slips away in a solar fall, the 22nd brings us two important transits to close out Leo season.

Venus retrograde in Leo aspects Jupiter in Taurus at 15 deg. Reminder, these are two benefic planets, goodwill, harmony, love, fortune and expansive wisdom spiritually and legally. The two planets meet through a square, a hard aspect that builds in friction and heat. Now Jupiter is currently in Venus’s temple in Taurus, this means that Jupiter has to answer to Venus. Venus herself has been moving through the underworld, resetting her own star cycle. She has a new perspective, is beginning to see the world through fresh, polished lens. Her vision prescription has been updated. On August 19th, she has officially moved into her morning star position and can be seen in the early morning hours beginning around the 21st, her calls will be louder as she climbs higher on the dawn horizon, asserting her needs.

When Venus squares Jupiter, we may receive fresh insight to where we have invested too much time, money, effort to aspects in our own life that no longer serve our new vision of self-value. Values are no longer aligned. Jupiter challenges us to an honest upgrade. When Venus fully steps into the light of her morning star position, twinkling in her full glory in those early morning hours, she starts her ascent out of retrograde and all she has been undergoing becomes externally manifest. 

The other aspect on the 22nd that occurs a little later in the day and is energy that has been building for days, is Mars in Virgo opposing Neptune retrograde in Pisces at the last minute of 26 degrees. This transit can add to the Venus*Jupiter story, what we have held as sacred, important, what we have placed on our own altar? This may no longer possess the same sacred truth. Mars and Neptune in opposition can have us actively feeling and moving away from personal beliefs, philosophies, and pulling us into new realms of thought. This can feel intense, it has built in animosity and stirrings of anger and uncomfortable heat. It can also feel frustrating and blocked, especially with the co-presence of Mercury stationing retrograde. Mars wishes to get things done, check the boxes and move without impediment, when opposed to Neptune, this may seem like an impossible task.

Is it time to release your spirit into the unknown adventure that awaits?

This stirring has potential to crack open the heart though and allow new ideas to flow in, allow love to flow through. This all begins with the honesty we brought forth in the Leo New Moon. This New Moon, heavily influenced by Venus’ journey, asks us to call forward our vision of self-authenticity. The lunar phase continues, and on the 24th, the Moon hits her first quarter in Sagittarius at 0 degrees. This is a turning point, gathering all the planetary energy, and moves us along on the Venusian path. The cross-roads present themselves under this First Quarter Moon, do we choose to keep moving straight on the familiar path. Or do we embrace the adventurous centaur spirit of Sagittarius, and move our soul forth on a journey of exploration. Do we shoot our spirit forth, like a quivering arrow into the outer realms, taking a chance on ourself? This First Quarter Moon, influenced by all that has succeeded this phase, asks us what do we really want to create in this new Venus star cycle.

Carry a little rose quartz close to your heart this week as a reminder of your own self-worth, relation to your heart and the hearts of others, an homage of universal love.