Analog Sky

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Zeus Takes Flight

From Earth to Air, Jupiter shifts from Taurus to Gemini.

The Moon phases of May have indicated benefic growth, opportunities and overall energy. The Taurus New Moon was ruled by Venus, the lesser benefic and on May 23rd, the Full Moon in Sag was ruled by the greater benefic, Jupiter. Both of those planets formed a conjunction in the final degrees of Taurus on May 23rd as well, forging their intentions to be helpful, expansive, honest, and compassionate. The Full Moon transferred this benefic energy into full illumination, highlighting and expanding this goodwill and good intention.

We have officially entered Gemini season, where the arc of the Sun is in his last stretch reaching for full climax, the Summer Solstice. Officially we are still in the late phase of spring in the Northern Hemisphere, but already the days are intensely warm and the garden shoots are rapidly shooting up. I was looking out at the gardens at my home and at my work and reflecting on the hope and optimism of May. Everything is greening, growing, blooming. My sunflower garden this year is heads and tails beyond last season, and I eagerly await the lioness blooms.

The world is vibrant and lush, and this feeds my own internal landscape. My own personal drive and motivation is also eagerly pushing forth.  Spring ushers in potent potential and the landscape pulses with creative depth.

From Earth To Air

May 25th, Jupiter enters the sign of Gemini, joining the Sun and hot on the heels of Venus who also entered shortly after the Full Moon. The two benefics ride into this masculine air sign, a sign of curiosity, mental stimulation, passionate conversation. Zeus has moved out of the fixed, solid earth of Taurus, where land was king and there was a universal understanding to what worked and what didn’t. Anything that wasn’t useful, sustainable, of value was discarded, and all that did feed and nourish was fed exponentially. 

Now Jupiter floats into more expansive ether, and like the butterfly in the garden, flitters from bloom to bloom with curious sociability, pollinating the mind, mouth and senses with a multitude of curiosities.Jupiter in Gemini will seek to take in enormous amounts of information, stimulation and it will be up to each individual to be disciplined enough to set boundaries. Monitor your own screen time in the coming months, you may find it alarmingly increasing. On the other hand, your urge to socially pollinate many circles may also be on the rise.

Jupiter in Gemini struggles in this mercurial sign where he holds no dignity and actually looses his own capacity to see the bigger picture. Mercury rules Gemini, and is very apt to break down the big picture and scatter the pieces to the wind. Like dandelion seeds blown into the ether, Mercury seeks out many sources of stimulation, aiming for understanding and growth. Jupiter will try to keep up here, but could easily loose the plot. Yet, let us not forget the Zeus is a Sky God, so even in Mercury’s sign, he does understand a thing or two about ether.

When it comes to our own personal values, philosophies and understanding of the world, what once seemed solid and fixed in Taurus, may feel a little fuzzy and distorted  in Gemini. Not so easy to grasp and contain. Our mind and heart may wander. Jupiter in Gemini may also ramp up personal and political ideologies, and so having your own ideological check-valve will be key, especially in an election year.

Jupiter in Gemini for the next year may have you exploring different rooms in your own mind, stirring up questions around how you see the world and interface with it. You may be curious about ideas you have never explored. There may be a breaking down of personal philosophy and the desire to explore new perspectives, journey down different paths. The key will be knowing when not to loose sight and understanding of the big picture, which Jupiter is normally quite equipped to do. 

Early Jupiter Transits

A great date to hold for future meditation and revelation in regards to Jupiter, Mercury and Gemini is June 4th. On that day Jupiter and Mercury will conjoin at 2 degrees and Venus will also be conjunct the Sun at 4 degrees Gemini, forming a revelatory cazimi. The next lunation is June 6th, where another lovely New Moon will form helping us to set better intentions for our Gemini house. 

Look at your own natal placement of Gemini in your chart and explore the themes around this house and what is coming through. Does this house feel stagnant, dead, lacking any sign of life? Has your tried and true approach failed to bring the desired results? Is there a new way of viewing this area, maybe you are ready for a change of thinking, processing information and the world at large?

Now is ripe for modification and adaption, the challenge will be to hold it steady long term. We have a year of Jupiter in Gemini, and this will be a year of mental growth, shifting world views, possible new introductions & adaptions of technology, and for some an outgrowth of social circles, networking and communication. Jupiter in Gemini will want to explore and breathe, and can teach us to be more adaptive in the coming year. Our mind takes flight!

Connect with me here if you are curious where your own mind is being activated by Jupiter. Together we will navigate the stars to orient your soul.