11.14.22 Moon Tracks

We are in the waning phase of the moon cycle, this is the point where we are loosing the light of the Moon and it is recognized by ancient astrologers as the time when things begin to fall apart and dissolve. Whatever we have been building and fully manifesting under the light of the growing full Moon has reached its apex, and now it is time to share and disperse the lessons learned. There is no more building at this point, it is time for distributing the harvest of labors. A time to teach, share and let go.

On the 14th, the Moon is still in her rulership being in the sign of Cancer, she won’t move into Leo until mid-morning. Before she moves into the Lord of Light’s temple, she will first make some wise aspects to Mercury and benefic Venus, and in between will oppose Pluto.  This meeting with Pluto is an ecliptic reunion from days of waxing yore, Hades tests whether or not what has been obscured is truly ready to surface with honesty and openness. It is a period of accepting the terms and moving forth with the security that what belongs to you will come to you. It is time for Luna to leave her temple and face off in more high-pressured aspects with Uranus and Saturn on the 15th, activating eclipse degrees and on-going Uranus-Saturn dynamics. History is not forgotten.

The 16th is a dynamic day and certainly will be a tangible energetic frequency as Venus moves out of her fall into Sagittarius. This is also when the Moon reaches the beginning of her end as she moves into Last Quarter phase, her descent into darkness is underway, and the light has truly lost any ground here. 

The last quarter is a period of dissolution, and falling away. The flower begins to wilt and petals hit the ground. Time and light are fading.

Quickly the Moon moves into Virgo and finds herself squaring off with Venus in her new home of Sagittarius. This may be a time where pleasure needs to overrule the seriousness that has overshadowed this whole lunar cycle. Venus wants to let loose, and shake off the past ecliptic cycle, the Moon knows her time is coming to an end, perhaps she should just let go and enjoy herself.

In Virgo, she still desperately wants to hang on and orchestrate the environment. Mercury joins Venus in this party, signaling to the Moon a thumbs-up, take a break. Serious Moon knows she must chill, even Neptune is casting shade from Pisces and Mars instigates unneeded mental activity that just distracts. There is a push-pull this day, hard to chill out after all the frenetic activity prior. 

This energy that surrounds the environment could also be attributed to the perfecting square between retrograde Mars and Neptune. This is an aspect that has been building for days due to Mars very slow crawl backwards, but no doubt has been pressure-cooking the mental environment. Thoughts and words can be hard to locate at this point, plans and plots hard to develop. Mars and Neptune in harsh aspects can bring misguidance, inaction, and even deceit. It can fire up passionate rhetoric bordering manic fervor. Yet it can also be a time where creative energy is put forth with fervent passion, all chart pending.

Being the last quarter, this can make your mind and tongue rebellious, watch them both carefully. The Moon finds “safe” when she hits the sign of Libra.  From here she makes harmonious aspects to all the heavy hitters in this lunar cycle; Mercury, Venus , Saturn and Mars. 

The last quarter really is about releasing and letting go. One can no longer hold any center, and trying to is absolute emotional and mental torture. Allow yourself to really absorb the trials, the lessons, the wisdom earned in the last month as the Moon went on her wild ecliptic journey. She is not the same lady that first was lit up in late October, her tracks look bigger, steadier, deeper. 

In the last days of the last quarter, release yourself a little more to the unseen world, the world that we cannot grasp and control, despite the overwhelming urges to claw into rational realms. Sink deeper, fall more in love with the liminal shadows that are bubbling up. Submerge into the balsamic darkness that is encapsulating the sky. See you on the dark side of the moon.


11.21.22 Moon Tracks


11.7.22 Moon Tracks