Aquarius Full Moon

The full Moon in Aquarius perfects tonight, August 11th at 9:36 pm EST. The astrological weather today is very active, primarily in fixed signs, which include Leo, Taurus and Aquarius. 

Let us first begin with Uranus, currently in the fixed-earth sign of Taurus. Taurus represents our earthly realm, our possesions, our food, our water, it is the sign that speaks to what nourishes us.  

The Sun is in Leo, fixed-fire, squaring Uranus. Here in Leo, the Sun is in its domicile, burning strong and with bold intention and guiding principles. 

The Moon is in fixed-air Aquarius, highlighting community, and how we nourish and support those around us. 

Uranus is receiving a pressurized sandwich by the two luminaries, each approaching from a square aspect, which presents possible changes, conflict, and unexpected roadblocks. Perhaps our guiding principles are being challenged around this time. This is a period where we can see a change in leadership in our own personal lives, or the world around us. Structures that we have relied on may no longer be serving us, and now we are starting to really see the deeper cracks in supporting structures. Uranus is the wild card in all of this, possibly throwing the deck in the air, and exposing what needs revision.

In my own life, my local community is currently experiencing a challenge to the historic value of my village and the surrounding waters. We are fighting a large development that seeks to diminish the historic value of the town in exchange for clearly a highly profitable return. This develompent also brings deeper issues concering an increase of population, increase in auto and boat traffic that would be heightened demands on our limited natural resources, and our aging infrastructure. This conflict is also exposing the fragile health of our lake, and deeper investigation is beginning there this week. 

The Aquarian image of the water bearer, pouring the water of wisdom from their vessel, comes to mind now. This poured wisdom was to be shared with the community around them. I cannot help to see the correlation between the uprising in my own community around this time, in hopes to make the next movement forward based in a deeper, more grounded approach that is good for all of the community, and not just for the sake of mundane currency. Yet I am left with an unsettled nervousness, since this full Moon, Sun and Saturn are closely aspected to the fixed star of Deneb Algedi, which could possibly bring the loss of land and power, or at the very least a long enduring battle. 

I expect to see further revelations and movements around this topic in the next month, and the next big village hearing occurs right around a two-degree applying square aspect of Saturn and Uranus. Challenges around leadership, guiding principles, land and structures are all themes of this fixed energy. This will be a long battle, as the fixed energy presupposes. 

Maybe you are feeling it in your own life. What is being exposed as unsustainable and weathering? Are there any long standing patterns that are wearing on your own soul?

Venus will also move into the fixed sign of Leo at this time, lending a cooling and hopefully harmonizing effect to Leo’s burning drive. Perhaps voices can be heard and understood, and just a little more love to sprinkle on this fixed energy intensity. Allow your own self to absorb some Venusian rays at this time, self-care is always first and foremost. When we are in good psychic shape, we can be the water bearers to our own village.


Mars Moves into Gemini


Movements of Mercury