Balance of Light and Dark

Truth and Beauty…

Libra season, marking the balance of equal parts day and night, hence the image of the scales. The temple of Venus and the exaltation of Saturn, beauty is found in the balance of truth and goodness, this is the judgement. There is a need to balance the dualitites.

In your own life, where are you needing balance? Think about it, this is what you deem to be beautiful, true and good. Where disharmony has tilted the scales, it can easily put your mind, your life, in a chaotic state. This is a state of disconnection, and it will reflect in the oddest of corners. 

Astrology, and the study of it, reminds us of the innate ordering mechanism of the heavens, it reminds us that cycles exist and order seeks to incarnate ultimately. Even in perceived chaos, this is just a fluctuation, a moment in time, deeper studies reveal a pattern.

When the day and the night reach a balance at the autumn equinox, this is a reminder to look at our own temples. What is out of order?

Yesterday, the first day of fall, internally I was pulled back to my spiritual studies, nudged to deepen daily devotions that had fallen to the side in the summer light. Material focus had superseded my spiritual practices, and the falling summer notions have reminded me of a dusty corner in my own life that needs some tidying and heightened attention.

Now that summer has wrapped up, what is it in your own life that could use some undivided attention, a return to balance?

Happy Fall to you all! I hope you all can find some personal moments to cozy up with your own soul and ask what does it need to be seen?  


New Moon in Libra


Virgo-Decan Three