Final Saturn Uranus Square

What are you rebuilding?

This weekend brings a final closing chapter to the Saturn Uranus square cycle that first began to be felt in 2020, with exact squares taking place three times in 2021, including February, June and December. This last square, which is not exactly exact but within a minute, will occur late Saturday Oct 1, but the effects have already been felt for quite some time. This closing square is likened to the final resolution, the last chapter in a book, perhaps the solution to the problem that first began to press down in 2020.  The effects of this tranist can be felt for at least a few weeks as well. What is intriguing, is while this is square is perfecting, an opposition between the benefics, Jupiter and Venus is also occurring. To me, this is a good omen. Venus is back in power, residing in her own temple of Libra and though oppositions are the nature of Saturn, Jupiter and Venus are both compassionate and wise, and can hold the tension of the friction in the room.

The tension rises through the square of Saturn and Uranus, again in fiery communication. One is of old ways of thinking, controlling, setting limitations and boundaries, and the other has been trying to flip the chessboard, realign the players and the narrative to something fresh, forward thinking and limitless. Who will win? “Out with the old and in with the new”, this may be the theme of your own life in the last couple years. An internal pressing need to pull the plug on an area of your life that you just cannot give oxygen to anymore. Perhaps it has been on life-support too long, and these last couple years you have been attempting to breathe fresh air into this part of your life. It comes with risks, unknown calculations, creative solutions, and most certainly out-of-the-box problem-solving. 

Disruption is certainly part of the recipe, maybe even a dose measured defiance for a tasty finish. 

This last square, sponsored by the goodwill of Jupiter and Venus, may stress-test this new structure you have set in place. Are the legs even and balanced, does the material you have chosen have integrity?  Venus and Jupiter will be discussing the aesthetics and the wisdom equally. Uranus has sought to liberate, but that can come at its own price. Saturn ultimately wants control and boundaries, and makes the two not the best of friends. 

The entire cycle of Uranus and Saturn, which first began in 1988 at a conjunction in Sagittarius will wrap up in 2032 when they meet again in the sign of Gemini. Now is the time to use the Uranian forward thinking in what we are rebuilding to have a sound structure, otherwise what is the point of revolution? Any revolution brings uncertainty and messiness. Use this time to look around at what has fallen to the ground, sweep out the dusty corners, choose the material to rebuild wisely if you haven’t already begun. If renovations have started, Venus and Jupiter may ask you to rethink replacing the wood for stone, or maybe the ground you are building on is actually a sinkhole. This is the time for honest conversations, truly the hardest but most rewarding long term.

This transit will certainly be felt if you have any natal placements between the degrees of 14-24 in fixed signs. If you are unsure of where in your birth chart this is occuring, reach out to me for a natal chart reading. Together, we can divine.


Full Moon In Aries


New Moon in Libra