Full Moon in Sagittarius: Faith Restored

On June 14, 7:52 am ET, the moon will be at its brightest in Sagittarius. This will be the completion of the waxing cycle that began at the Gemini new moon. The new moon cycle that commenced on May 30th, had the potential to plant new seeds of possible intellectual ideas, concepts, business ventures. There was an inventive energy at the beginning of that new moon cycle. This same point in time, Mars and Jupiter were in very close aspect, increasing the possiblity of pointed conversation that could easily tip to heated discourse and debate. Mercury itself, ruler of Gemini was retrograde. Beginning to station to turn direct and would eventually become more cooperative, but the scent of heated argument and misunderstanding still hung in the air. Real risk for confusion, miscommunication and not seeing the path clearly was relevant. 

At this full moon, Mercury will enter Gemini, where he has dominion. Here in Gemini, Mercury is right at home, and is fully expressive, curious, and has a youthful quality despite this being the end of the light cycle. 

The combination of the full moon in Sagittarius and Mercury now entering its domicile in Gemini, there is a full illumination on the quest we begun over two weeks ago. Perhaps there were communication breakdowns, snags in planning or indecisiveness on how to proceed. Maybe your own faith has started to waiver at the slowness of progress, or you are questioning your own certainty to get the job done. This full moon could bring revelations and restoration of faith and optimism. 

Both Gemini and Sagittarius are mutable signs, meaning they posses the nature of being flexible and moveable. They are not rigid and stubborn like fixed Taurus or Scorpio. Both signs beckon in the solstices and oversee the movement of light. Sagittarius is the last sign to live with the overwhelming darkness, soon the sun will appear again and rise a little each day in Capricorn winter solstice season. Gemini is the last sign where the sun reaches a little higher each day, until the apex is reached at the summer solstice. Slowly, sneakily, the darkness works its way back in all of our lives. We learn to live with both, adjust and adapt. 

This full moon in Sagittarius feels like an inward journey on a possible outward adventure we began not too long ago. Where there was doubt, maybe we find confidence. Maybe we lost our way, and as the moon reaches it highest potential of light, our path forward will be illuminated and well understood.


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