Mercury Enters Virgo

Mercury enters Virgo on the 28th of July and will remain until October 5th. Mercury has now returned to his home sign where he not only has rulership, but also exaltation. In other words, Mercury does very well here, has all the required power to get the mercurial task done. 

Mercury rules the mind, language and words, communication, how we think and what we say. Mercury has his hands in business, trade, medicine, games and the stars.

In the sign of Virgo, Mercury has high power to help support you in the daily tasks of life, which include organization, tackling busy schedules, navigating more complex situations with problem-solving ease. Mercury in Virgo likes to plan, make lists, and find the most practical solution to completing a job.

This period while Mercury is here, you may find yourself streamlining your daily life, think of him as your task rabbit that is fielding all the calls and inquiries. Mercury is very functional here in the sign of Virgo when it comes to business and trade deals. If your in the middle of negotiating or working out more complicated details or contracts, this may be a period where ideal solutions shine through.

Mercury will go retrograde between the period of August 23rd until September 14th. When Mercury retrogrades, we may find ourselves moving a bit in reverse. This may look like reexamining a contract or the details of a negotiation, rethinking an approach that we normally take to a situation that is no longer responding, or moving completely in another direction. There may be delays in communication and technology. This period of retrograde in the home sign of Virgo shouldn’t be too challenging, but should offer new solutions and pathways into more challenging tasks or day-to-day routines. 


Full Moon in Aquarius


7.17.23 Moon Tracks