Pluto & The Chariot

This charioteer is ready to explore the future and perhaps the past, always remaining connected to the divine and also feeling protected from what is ahead. He knows he is moving into unchartered territory, and yet he holds strong and confident in faith.

Pluto’s movement in Aquarius is a big planetary shift for the collective. It is an outer planet that moves extremely slow through the collective astrological clock. Pluto can reflect shadows, hidden corruption and power. It can bring to light that which poisons the well reveals blessings and curses. Pluto supplies revelatory time to reflect, reconsider and adjust our alignment with that which is being exposed, corrupted and needs regeneration. Pluto assists to uncover riches, discover alchemical gold that once looked like lead and dead corrosive matter by ways of first killing it off and then giving space for rebirth.

Like any real change we need in our life, we must first look at the shadows the issue casts.and Understanding the groundwork needed assists on pulling our self forth out of the rubble, and set afire like a Phoenix, burning the richest of oils. It can be a long journey and one that demands self-control, humility and check on vanity.

This period in Aquarius, fixed air, one can certainly look to themes of evolving technology, like AI and all things digital. Aquarius is very future-forward, and like most technology it begins with the seed of necessity and efficiency, and close behind runs competition, financial gains, and corrupted power. It is a cycle that never disappoints the pattern. Like all corrupted patterns, we can learn to interuppt the process and pull out the best intentions to preserve, but growing pains always exist.

Using tarot to further reflect on this planetary ingress, I pulled the Chariot. The Chariot is connected to the sign of Cancer, ruled by the Moon and symbolized by the crab that wears his protective armor. This card reflects an moon-clad adventurer setting out on a journey, pulled by plutonian figures, black and white sphinxes, reflecting the yin and yang, the balance that exists in all things. This card reflects delicate self-control, insight that one that must keep the ego in check for a successful journey. The figures ultimately steer this charioteer, who is dressed in armor and surrounded by celestial imagery, but he does set commands. He is protected in the chariot, that is dressed with the astral sky and the mercurial symbol of Hermes wings and a lingam, representative of divine generative energy. This chariot reflects the power to move through time and space, explore realms of known and unknown, but is also reminded that this journey is delicate and precarious, is he solely navigating this chariot? On his own head he wears the star, the star that appears time and time again through the deck, a divine headlamp for the journey. A star of illumination and insight, this is his guide.

This charioteer is ready to explore the future and perhaps the past, always remaining connected to the divine and also feeling protected from what is ahead. He knows he is moving into unchartered territory, and yet he holds strong and confident in faith.

How can we relate this to Pluto moving into Aquarius? No doubt change is in the collective air, it is palpable, and yet we all must keep moving ahead, exploring the newest quality of time. 

This card reminds us to seek that which grounds us and shields us, bring us hope and faith for a brighter future ahead. There is a lot of known and unknown territory to explore, certainly in the digital realm of air, and yet it is exactly where the collective is moving. How can you protect and shield yourself when the chariot takes a precarious turn, leading the collective down a rocky path? To discover the alchemical gold that certain technology does promise, we must also look at the shadows and monsters it may possess. Knowing both sides of any matter allows us each to make better decisions on moving forward.

What we choose to accept, integrate and embrace in our collective is a reflection of what we individually value, and this will be a solution of gold and lead, the next 20 years will reflect this.

Each individual must climb into his own chariot, guided by principles, values and self-control. Each chariot creates the collective caravan that steers humanity’s trajectory. What moral standards and codes do you pack so when those shadow monsters arrive? Is there enough illuminating light to keep us all aligned on humanities high road?


First Principle: Sun & Moon


From Earth To Air