Resolution Lunation
Initiating 2025 with a cardinal earth, New Moon. We begin at the beginning.
Closing out the year, an earthy, grounded New moon in the sign of Capricorn will root us firmly into the coming new year. A New Moon is an opportunity to set new intentions, redirect our energy and goals, and in the sign of Capricorn, we are double blessed with the will and fortitude of the goat to move new plans forward in a cardinal sign. We are under a resolution lunation, one that can assist us in resolving that which we wish to release. What are we not bringing forward in 2025?
Capricorn is ruled by Saturn and exalted by Mars, and both planets have been undergoing some real tension.
Saturn is just recovering from the square to Jupiter, an opening square to the longer Jupiter/Saturn cycle that began in 2020. This second opening square took place on Christmas Eve, and is still undergoing its the process of looking at old systems that we once trusted or at least agreed to, and now are trying to work out new paths to implement. We know the “old ways” have no home in the new year, but better understanding how the “new way” functions is still blurry. Saturn will not be quick to define this, and his nearing aspect to Neptune will only create more fuzziness before we have full and total dissolution. Right now we are learning boundaries.
What is important is for us to understand that any foundations we feel shifting currently in our life has or will give way in one form or another in the coming year. Once a system dissolves, another will rear its head to create order amongst the chaos. This is the natural movement of the universe.
This Saturn-ruled New Moon is a point of reflection for how we move forward in raising up the new floors we will walk on. Rather than taking our hands of the wheel, we have the chance to steer our own personal narrative towards a plot line that aligns with our new philosphies, world outlook, and personal values.
Another aspect to mind is that Mars, the planet of action and war, is beginning to form yet another opposition with Pluto, the god of power, corruption, and rebirth. This opposition is already coloring the air, and can bring real points of tension and conflict. It can also makes us feel that we need to rush to take a side or express our opinion loudly or with force. We will all be feeling overly protective of our worldview and our opinions, and this is the key to navigating this transit. As Mars and Pluto are in their stand-off, the mind and the heart will also be at war. Both will be fighting for your tongue, so hold that space quiet and remember we all are sacred elements of the divine light. Swallow your opinion and open your heart this new year. Begin 2025 with determination to move your own life forward into personal alignment, make peace with division, and work towards healing the space in between.
The planet Venus can assist us all as she moves into Pisces on January 2nd, a blessing to the new year, she is now lovingly at home, swimming in the spiritual sea of goodwill. Use her love to fall in love with the human experience. She remains in Pisces until February 4th.
I wish you all a very blessed, happy and healthy start to 2025. May you forge forward with self-determination, goodwill, and strong hearts.