Season of Aquarius
January 19th, Sun enters Aquarius. A fixed air sign, ruled by the planet Saturn, and where the Sun’s dignity is not in its best fighting condition. The Sun is considered to be in detriment, which tends to depress the solar attributes of the great luminary. The light is weakened, as are the solar qualities of leadership, initation, confidence, strength. Saturn, whose nature is polar opposite from the burning ball that gives earth any fighting chance, fights the light by casting chilly shadows and decimating any signs of life. Saturn who oversees the hands of this reality’s clock, reigns supreme this time of year.
The Winter is fixed, there are no negotiations.
Ruled by the planet Saturn, the God of Time, he makes us wait amongst the temporary death.
Aquarius season in the northern hemisphere signifies peak winter in many places. Here in Michigan we are going into our chilliest week this winter, with -10° windchill. The fixed nature of Aquarius locks in the death season, it is not until we enter Pisces season, mutable water, that we actually start to believe in the hope of spring and can feel the humidity seeping back into the air, into our thin skin, penetrating our parched bones.
As Aquarius season kicks off, the Sun will be moving into conjunction with the planet Pluto at 1° on January 21st. Again the Sun does not perform well here, and Pluto’s darker tendencies can blot out the personal drive and ambition. This will be a quick transit but it is important to pay attention to this first week of Aquarius season.
These early degrees of Aquarius echo a very impactful transit we all experienced collectively on December 21, 2020, the Saturn and Jupiter conjunction at 0° Aquarius. This conjunction between the two slowest moving visible planets, occurs approximately every 20 years. It was also their first conjunction in an air sign, ending a 200-year era of Jupiter and Saturn meeting in earth signs. Their movement uniting in air signs will continue until 2159. This formation began a new revolution around innovative technological structures and new visions of a different kind of future, especially on more societal levels.
Jupiter joining Saturn tends to bring new rules to old systems, and even a complete rejection of outdated systems all together. A new king, or queen, is crowned.
Now with Pluto creeping around this degree point, corruption of systems, old and new, are emerging from disjointed shadows. Pluto can expose corruption, power imbalance, and illness within systems.
Power plays, test trials, especially around technological advances, whether it be digital ID, crypto, social media sites, and AI are all testing their staying power.
It is notable that on the day of this current solar ingress, TikTok went down for less than 24 hours, with the threat of a permanent US ban. Expect more of this around digital platforms and power plays for social media censorship.
On an individual level, what is occurring now may be new personal revelations and discoveries around particular systems in your own life that are experiencing some growing pains. This could be around relationships, careers, or home that have you demanding a regenerative push.
Can you take yourself back to the end of 2020 and early 2021, what areas of your life were beginning to feel pressure tested? Maybe you made a bold move and brought in new innovated measures.
For me in 2020, I was just really deepening my studies with astrology, committing to a two year program. This would further push me to see my own goals changing around career with the aim to phase out one job and bring myself closer in alignment to personal studies that I would expound on professionally.
Now as the Sun moves into Aquarius, and hits that 1° in my 6th house of health and service, I find myself at a crossroad in my astrological career. I have a few stones on the fire and some really exciting, transformative opportunities. Yet I know I must mature into this area as well and become almost laser focused on which aspects I really want to see grow and bloom.
The beautiful thing about this transit, and reflecting on Pluto’s ability to expose weakness, is that we can gain better distance and perspective on what things actually need to be shuddered and which systems need to be fed. Stay alert this week at what doesn’t feel great, or where you feel your own power is diminished, this might be exactly the place to start extracting from your life.
The astrological medicine here is to strengthen your own solar light, and sometimes that means ingesting small amounts of poison. Before we know it, Pisces season will be upon us. In this seasonal moment, let us sit in the discomfort of winter’s windchill. Light a candle, cozy up next to a fire, crank up the heating pad, bring in any light that comforts the discomfort and know the wheel is turning towards a rebirth.